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15 years ago

"The world is a dangerous place, Jennie. There are people who are greedy, and would do anything to get what they want. There are people who are angry, who seek revenge in the cruelest way possible. There are evil men who would look to take advantage of your kindness. Do you believe you are stronger than all of them?"

"Yes, mother," 9 year old Jennie replied. "I will be a strong woman when I'm older, I want to help the world be less dangerous."

"Very well. Make me proud, Jennie Kim."

Present day

"I.. I d-don't know what to do, my husband is g-gone and.. and I just s-stood there-"

Jennie allowed the woman in the seat across from her to let out her emotions of anger, and mostly sadness.

"Ma'am, we will find her, and bring about justice for your husband. Could you kindly cooperate and describe her?"

"I-I can't think about that horrid girl right now.. please.. please let me go home and I will r-return tomorrow t-to tell you all that y-you need to know."

"Of course, miss. Would you like me to come to your home to save you some trouble? I understand that you are grieving right now."

"Oh, yes p-please, that would b-be wonderful."

The women left with a rough handful of tissues in her right hand, and a pile of used tissues on the table.

Jennie sighed and held her head in frustration.

She picked up the photos of the murdered businessman and examined it once again.

The man was shot through the head, and had a "Rosé" carved in cursive on his left wrist. That was normal of this female killer, who supposedly went by Rosé as some sort of code name.

The difference from this kill and the others, was that there was a large "J" carved into his chest. Jennie had only just taken up this case a week ago, how was it that this "Rosé" girl already knew? She and others in the department made sure to keep as quiet of it as possible.. so how?

Suddenly, Jennie heard a small bang near the door, followed by multiple faint gunshots.

"Hello?" Jennie loudly said, which she immediately regretted and noted as one of the stupidest things she has ever done.

"That has to be one of the stupidest things you have ever done," a feminine voice behind the large metal door said.

Jennie didn't reply, and stood silent, her eyes searching the room for any possible weapon of defense.

"I mean seriously," the voice went on, "I don't understand why anyone would let a killer who has obviously killed people in this very building know that there is someone else she needs to kill."

Again, Jennie stayed silent, and decided to carefully take her jacket off to use as a strangling device if she needed to, even though she was very inexperienced.

"Anyways, I'll be on my way now. My job here is done. Bye!"

At this point, even if Jennie wanted to speak, she couldn't. There were chills running down her back, her heart eager to jump out of her chest and her mind racing with both curiosity and fear.

To say she was simply scared was an understatement. Jennie already knew that this was Rosé, that was obvious, but Jennie didn't know how she killed people so quickly, right after she was questioning a woman who would've helped and contributed largely to the case.

Wait. Rosé likely knew that Jennie questioned someone. There was a gunshot shortly after that someone left, and it only led to one final conclusion, Jennie's source of help to find this dangerous woman was gone.

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