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Jackson Li was a college student fuckboy who used his looks to take advantage of others and drove his car speeding carelessly while drunk into Jennie Kim.

The man didn't even stop. He just went right through and assumed the big bump was roadkill, even though he was driving in a populated city.

So Chaeyoung decided to teach the college student the best lesson that could be learned.

"You don't touch what is mine. You don't love what is mine, you don't hurt what is mine."

"Listen, I don't know what you're talking about lady, but if you were one of the girls I.. forgot.. to call.. take a hint," Jackson laughed, looking to his two other friends that were holding a bottle of beer leaning against the wall of the back of the deli shop.

"Although.. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't forget it if I hit it with you.."

Chaeyoung internally smiled, knowing this one was going to be fun.

"Oh really..? I suggest your friends leave.. I wouldn't like to 'hit it' with others watching.."

Jackson nodded for the other two, who were both whistling the college student on, to leave.

"Alright lady.. let's- OW!"

Jackson fell to the ground grasping his middle area in whimpers of pain.

Chaeyoung stood watching him for a few seconds before crouching to look him in the eye.

"I told you, do not touch what is mine, or hurt what is mine. You did both."

"Wh.. What are you.."

"Don't play dumb, you're a business major frat boy with two Chinese parents that think you are a deep, deep disappointment.. especially after I showed them what you do on Friday nights. You didn't run over roadkill, buddy, you ran over something that was mine."

"No.. no I-"

"YES YOU DID!" Chaeyoung smiled as she screamed into his ear, hoping that it was ringing and that he was at least almost as deaf as the average 89 year old man.

Chaeyoung held up a printed picture of Jennie.

"You ran over my target, my Jennie Kim, and now she's in the hospital and I ultimately failed my mission. Plus, it kind of hurt when I heard that she died. That stuff hurts to you people too, right?"

"Listen.. I-I.."

Chaeyoung snapped the guy's neck before he could give a proper answer, and pulled him into the nearby dumpster. When she was done getting herself cleaned up, she called Lisa.

"Lisa, get me a nurse uniform for the hospital Jennie is staying at."

"On it."


"An orphan at the age of 4, always causing trouble in school, been to juvie for multiple years.. yeah this woman is no joke."

"I know.. it's annoying how hard she is to catch."

"According to her, you've already caught her heart."

Jennie cringed and playfully pushed Jisoo.

"Jisoo!" Jennie said as a new plan suddenly popped into her head.

"I'm literally right here, Jennie."

"Since she apparently 'loves' me and believes I'm hiding feelings for her in some way.. why don't I try to pretend I do and I'm running away with her or something.. then when she least expects it, I finally catch her!"

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