Chapter 10: In Knut's Room

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I come to my senses. I'm lying in a comfortable bed, wrapped in fluffy blankets, my head placed on multiple pillows. It almost feels like some royal chamber. 

My wounds are bandaged, yet some still hurt. 

The room is spacious, with stone walls as if to make an impression of some secluded cave, plants in pots placed in all corners, and a lot of lights on the ceiling. To my right, there's a brown wooden door. Another red one is built into the wall oppositely to my bed.

In the center of the room, there's a dining table with multiple velvety chairs around. On the wall to the left, there's a giant computer screen, now turned off.

In an armchair near my bed, Knut is sitting, in the same outfit as before. His eyes too are blue. Now I wonder whether I've ever seen them be green or it was just my imagination.

He hasn't yet noticed I woke up. He's too busy playing with some yarn in his hands. Truly a languid cat, he is.

I wonder if he's helped Shon as I asked...


Now he flinches and glances at me.

"Oh, you woke up?"

He puts the yarn on the bedside table right next to me and leans over my side:

"How are you feeling?"

"Knut... did you help Shon?"

"The werewolf boy? Yes. I checked on him after you raved about him so much. He's resting in his cell now. I've bandaged him up. I've told Terry to give both of you to me to judge. After you both are healed you're going to be punished as you deserve. Now then, how are you feeling?"

Is he for real? He's healing us and then we're going to be punished anyway? So much for a helper...

"Give us to you? How come you judge prisoners?" I ask. "I thought you only were a doctor."

"I'm in the administration. I heal those who need my help and punish those who deserve it... like you, for example," he replies. "Now then, does it hurt anywhere?"

"No, it does not, and I don't need that kind of help!" I retort. "I've come all the way here just to thank you and this is what I get? I shouldn't have felt obliged to you at all! Now I've pulled Shon into this, and we both are going to be punished by you? This is madness!"

I avert my eyes from him. I feel upset, betrayed, and disappointed. He's just like all the other deviants - prideful, rude, and remorseless. I bet he only helped me in order not to disturb his precious warden on such a trivial issue as my turning into a raven beast, back then.

"Thank me? You've come all this way from the vampire district only to thank me?"

I turn back to him to reply when he laughs right into my face:

"Are you out of your mind?"

I flare up - now this is too much. I spring from the bed:

"You're right - I've made a huge mistake! I thought you were not like other deviants, but turns out you're even worse. You sicken me! I want to go back to my cell. I don't need treatment from the likes of you!"

However, I don't feel as well as I try to look. Due to my brisk motion, I soon begin to cough. I cover my mouth with my hand - blood follows up. I guess Dave and his henchmen have kicked me way too hard, back there...

"Okay, lie down."

Knut softly pushes me back to the bed. I want to object and struggle against him, but he applies more force and pins me down quite easily. I glare at him. He goes on whispering in a completely altered tone, while his soft fingers undo the bandages:

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