Chapter 18: The Hunt Begins

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The evening hour rings. We stand in the line and follow Rufus. 

"Now, for those who are hunting for the first time," he cries in his deep voice so that all could hear, "time limit is four hours. After the time is up, you are required to return to the common hall. Try not to be late. You're being tracked, so even if you try to escape, the prison radar will show your location, and you won't be having a good day. You will be lucky if we, the respective headmen of the prison districts, come for you. In the worst-case scenario, the warden will be woken!"

Yeah, that truly is the worst-case scenario. I don't want to flop on my very first hunt and be chased by the warden. I'd rather Knut were in charge if I messed up somehow.

"You are allowed to hunt any sort of a creature you meet in the woods, the valleys, the desert, the mountain area, or the shores," Rufus continues. "You are prohibited to go beyond the barrier! There is no way to break it, but there were several attempts, so be warned - you'll meet punishment if you dare do that!"

I wanted to see the barrier for myself. I guess I will only look at it from up close to understand how it works. After all, Honorée has already broken it once. If I devise an optimal plan and drive all the prisoners into it, Honorée too, will participate, and break the barrier for us.

"We are now going to join all the prisoners of all the other districts, who are likewise participating in the hunt," Rufus says. "Keep in mind, that in the prison yard, the rules of the prison apply! You are forbidden to battle other prisoners and damage their health anyhow. If you dare do that, you will be punished! When we gather in the common hall before the gates now, remain quiet and listen to Lord Knut van Irbisen, who is, as always, your main supervisor on the hunts and has full authority over all the participants, including us - the headmen. So, if he deems you as guilty, even I won't be of any help. So watch out for yourselves! All clear?"

"Yes, Lord Rufus!" we cry.

Yeah, Knut sure has a lot of rights in this prison, if he can order even the headmen around.

"Is Knut always the supervisor?" I whisper to Annabelle before me.

"Yeah. He's actually the main administrator, even higher than the vice-warden," Annabelle whispers back.

"Hush in the lines!" Rufus cries. I guess he can hear even our lowest whispers. "We are entering the common hall."

We exit the corridors and join some other lines of different prisoners and their headmen in a giant hall made of steel. Ahead of us, is an immense gate, whence we should emerge into the yard. To my greatest disappointment, this whole area is located in the northern part of the prison, so we are going to exit from the north. It is as if the warden has set it up so that he'd avoid the southern part of the island. This reassures me that my assumption is right - his weakness should be water.

I can see Derek before the merpeople line, but I avert my eyes from him. The fairy line is led by some young man with bee wings. Must be either a son or a grandson of Nanny. After all, the administrator positions are hereditary.

Rufus is leading our line, as I've said, while Ronald - Annabelle's crush - is nowhere to be seen. Likewise, the werewolf line is led by Clara, while Terry is absent.

"Hey, Clara!" Rufus shouts, "Where's Terry?"

"Oh, he's on the guarding duty!" Clara replies. "You know, since the fairy incident not long ago."

"Oh, yeah. Ronald too is on the same mission," Rufus says.

The fairy incident they're talking about must be Honorée's escape. I can't see Honorée in the fairy line - apparently, she doesn't want to participate in the hunt, or is unallowed to. 

By the guarding duty, they should mean the island patrol? This is bad - I won't be able to study the barrier if the canines and bat-vampires get in my way. I mustn't let them hinder me - this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. I don't know when I may be allowed to hunt at the shores again.

"Attention, fledgelings!"

Knut stands before us. The headmen too, watch him with attention. He indeed seems to be the ultimate boss, and quite a ferocious one. Charming him won't be that easy. 

His big muscles are well visible. I remember them from before when I bit him. Damn, that blood was so delicious! I can feel it in my mouth even now as I watch him. 

"When this gate opens, you'll have precisely four hours to hunt!" He shows us four fingers to emphasize his words. "You cannot consume your game out in the open. Instead, your respective headmen and their subordinates will collect them and bring them to the prison kitchen. Your efforts will be rewarded, so no worries - you won't lose your honours. I gather the headmen have already explained all the other rules to you, so I won't go ranting about that. Just keep in mind - I don't want to wake the warden over your pathetic mistakes, so I will be the one taking care of you. Trust me - you don't want to cause my wrath!"

Knut's snow leopard fur turns yellow as well as his eyes. He blows fire out of his hands, just to demonstrate how sickly powerful he is (which is rather annoying).

The gates open before us. While the prisoners rush forward, I am rather confused - Knut possesses fire powers too? 

He is not a dual elemental, but a triple one?!

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