The Start of Something Special

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Tea green eyes followed the ink flowing out of the pen closely, the stallion hearing the words inside his own head seconds before they reached the paper.

Currently, Astral was writing a letter home to his father in Canterlot. As he did every month. Its contents were the same, how he was doing, small descriptions of past town events and the question of how his mother was doing.

The tan brown pony hummed to himself as he signed the letter.

The green aura around both the pen and his horn disappeared, letting the pen drop back on the desk.

The letter was rolled up and placed beside it. Ready to send tomorrow.

Astral yawned before standing up and crossing the room, reached up to open his sky blue curtains. Sunlight poured into the room, the warm breeze from the open window refreshed him immediately.

Astral Jade crossed his front legs over the windowsill, sighing happily at the beautiful day.

His eyes caught something that you didn't see in a place like Ponyville every day. A golden chariot, being flown by two white, armored pegasi flew towards the ground, nearing the town square and going out of Astral's sight.

He frowned slightly, confused as to why anypony would fly to a place like Ponyville in transport like that. The Unicorn shrugged, before levitating his saddle bag off the hanger and strolling down the stairs of his home.

Astral Jade's home was unlike most in Ponyville. It was unlike the thatch roofed houses that dotted the town, and had tiles and brick walls. It was two floors with an open observatory at the top, directly above his bedroom.

He remembered his father, Ivory Guard, telling him that the mare who had lived in the house before the majority of Ponyville was built, was a sorcerer. That was before Ivory had an argument with the pony who was selling the house. Fighting for a better price for his son. Astral was happy to pay the already agreed price, but his father would do anything to safe a few bits.

Astral Jade went outside, heading for Sugar Cube Corner. He had agreed to meet with Pinkie Pie a few days ago to help her with fixing one of her party canons.

Pinkie was a mare who could be friends with everyone, and was one of the first ponies who actually talked to Astral when he first moved here. She was an energetic, bouncy and overall a REALLY positive pony. It was a rare personality to find, even in Ponyville.

He arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, the setting sun feeling warm against his coat.

Astral Jade opened the door gently, peaking his head in.

"Pinkie? Think I found a spell to help with the rope mechanism for your broken canon." He said aloud, moving into the room and closing the door behind him.

A bright pink, frizzy mane popped up from behind the counter.

"Hey Astral! That's great news, come on in!" Pinkie waved towards the room behind her, trotting out of sight.

Astral showed a small smile, following her through.

He opened the saddle bag and held the open book to his side as he leaned down to inspect the blue and pink canon. Pinkie sat to his left.

"I probably don't even wanna know, but what are you needing the canon fixed by tonight for?" Astral asked, glancing from the book to the rope periodically as Pinke began to reply.

"Welllll I'm so very glad you asked, Astral Jade!" Pinkie grinned, and Astral sweat dropped. Maybe he shouldn't have asked...

"Earlier today I saw this purple pony and her tiny dragon in town square today and I've obviously never seen her before because y'know, I know everyone!"

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