Dressing Distress

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"Astral, dear, could you hold it just a tiny bit higher?"

The piece of blush fabric encased in the tea green aura of his horn levitated higher, holding it still for the white mare who was sewing details into it.

"Is that okay?" He asked, meeting her eyes as he peaked his head to the side.

Rarity gave him a smile. "It's perfect, darling. Now if you could just hold it for a moment..." her bright sapphire eyes followed the movement of the thread she was weaving, the silence in the room being broken by the soft squeak of Opal's cat toy across the room. Knocking soon followed.

The door opened from behind the mare, and Applejack followed by Twilight entered. The latter sending Astral a smile in greeting.

"Howdy, Rarity!" AJ said loudly, trotting in. The two mares watched as the unicorn squinted her eyes in concentration, they also noticed that Astral was silent, doing his best not to disturb her work.

"Shh... can't you see Rarity is trying to concentrate?" Twilight hushed.

"What do you think she's makin'?" Applejack asked curiously, craning her neck in an effort to see what she was working on.

"Looks like a dress." Twilight replied.

"Well, that makes sense. Since this is a dressmaker's shop and all." Astral watched as Rarity ground her teeth, closing her eyes to flush away her frustration before she turned to her friends, no longer holding the needle and thread.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Rarity smiled forcefully, annoyed at the interruption, but not angered by her friends. Knowing they meant well.

"Oh, so very sorry to trouble you, Rarity, but I need a quick favor. Could you please fix the button for me? It's my dress for the Grand Galloping Gala." Twilight grabbed a worn looking gown out from her saddle bag, placing it on a table by the mare.

Rarity gasped at the sight of the outfit, astounded that the purple mare would even think of attending an event like the Gala in something like this. Astral had to agree that she would look better in something a little more...updated, but it wasn't his place to comment.

"Oh, no, no, no! You can't wear this...old thing. You need a glamorous new outfit for the Gala and I'll make it for you. No problem at all. It will be my pleasure!" Rarity insisted, smiling happily.

"Oh, that's really sweet of you to offer, Rarity, but I can't let you do that. It would be so much work. This dress is fine." Twilight said, but the dress-maker was having none of it.

"Twilight Sparkle. I insist on making you a new dress."

"But..." Astral watched as Rarity cut Twilight off by shaking her hoof.

"Not another word! I won't take no for an answer." The mare told her with determination.

"Well, in that case...thank you for your generosity, Rarity. Knowing your handiwork, I'm sure it will be absolutely beautiful."

Rarity's eyes drifted up and down Applejack's figure with an unimpressed expression. "Let me guess, Applejack. You don't want a new gown either."

"Gown? Shoot. I was just gonna wear my old work duds." Applejack told her.

Rarity recoiled. "You can't possibly be serious, Applejack! You absolutely must wear formal attire."

The orange mare seemed to consider it for a moment, but denied. "Hm...nah."

"What if I just spruce up your...duds for you a little bit?" Rarity then offered, Astral raised a brow in concern. Did she really have time for all these offers?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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