One Stubborn Apple

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"Somehow Phillius Letterhoof is able to make reading about 'The Guidelines of Basic Arcanian Principles' enjoyable." Astral commented to himself, trotting through town with the book being levitated infront of him in a soft green aura. He had always really enjoyed readying. Maybe not always for a learning factor (unlike Twilight) but simply to enjoy reading into so many topics. He had considered even writing his own book about his research into the Ethics of Horn Anatomy in Unicorns, but decided against it. Preferring to keep his notes to himself. It wasn't like there would be many ponies in Equestria who would enjoy it.

A deep rumbling beneath his hoofs made him stop, lowering the book and glancing around.

It seemed he wasn't the only one who was curious. Rainbow Dash flew up above some of the houses, squinting at something in the distance.

"STAMPEDE!" She then screamed, not even trying to be subtle.

Rainbow was right, a stampede of cows were charging straight towards the town. Other town ponies took notice and began panicking. Astral winced with worry, teleporting his book back into his home and joined his friends, bar Applejack, around the mayor.

"Hey...!" Pinkie laughed, being bounced around by the force. "This makes my voice sound silly!"

"Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?! Run!" Twilight yelled, also nearing the mayor.

"Everypony calm down. There is no need to panic."

"But Mayor, whatever shall we do?" Rarity asked dramatically, Astral would've laughed if it wasn't such a serious situation.

"I don't think I even have enough time to think of a spell for this..." The stallion admitted, worry laced his tone.

"Look there!" Rainbow suddenly pointed towards the direction of the stampede. And everypony was relieved to see Applejack and her pet, Winona, running alongside the cows. The group cheers, feeling more relieved that the earth pony is confidently taking action.

"This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen." Pinkie comments, shoving a bag of popcorn in Astral's direction as he recoiled. Twilight gave a strange look. She agreed that it wasn't the time, but nopony had the heart to deflate the pink mare.

"Come on, little dogies! Turn!" Applejack yelled from her place on a cow, she roped the stampede leader around the neck and pulled, successfully turning the whole group away before they reached the bridge into town. Everypony cheered loudly, and somehow Pinkie waved an orange flag with an apple on it.

"Yee haw!" AJ cheered from her place on the hill, infront of the setting sun. She raced off towards the farm.

"Applejack was just... just..." the Mayor had no words, Astral felt the same. There was no way anypony else could've acted that quickly. The town really was blessed to have the Apple family.

"Appletastic!" Pinkie finished, landing clumsily over Astral's back. The stallion rolled his eyes with a closed smile.

"Exactly. We must do something to thank Applejack for single-hoofedly saving the town."

"Agreed. What she did today was amazing." Astral Jade said, crossing one of his front hoofs casually.

"I know. A party!"

 A party!"

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