Ticket Troubles

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Astral Jade let out an exhale with a smile. His light green eyes taking in the beautiful day around him.

He could feel his dark brown saddle bag bounce against his side as he happily trotted through town, heading for Twilight's library. It had been a few weeks since the group had reformed Princess Luna, and the new year was in full swing.

Which also meant the Grand Galloping Gala was in a couple of months time. Astral had been before, under his father's invitation, and he figured this year would be no different.

He didn't see the Gala as anything properly special, but it did give him an opportunity to meet with and catch up with his father. Ivory Guard was a regular at the Gala, being a retired Captain of the Guard in Canterlot.

His mood dipped slightly as he realised that his mother would probably be unable to attend this year, sadly. But perhaps he could meet with her at another time, in a more relaxed environment for the both of them.

While coming up on Sugar Cube Corner, Astral spotted all of his friends - including Spike - standing outside. Applejack seemed to have only just arrived, and was now confronting Rainbow Dash as he trotted closer.

"Wait just another minute."

"Applejack, were you following me too?" Twilight asked, frowning.

"No. I was followin' this one to make sure she didn't try any funny business. Still trying to take mah ticket." Applejack accused, pointing towards the light blue pegasus.

"Your ticket?" Rainbow repeated, narrowing her eyes.

"But Twilight's taking me." Pinkie interjected. The other ponies began to argue between themselves.

It wasn't hard for Astral to figure out what they were pestering over, and so he decided to step in to help the overwhelmed purple Unicorn.

"Enough already!" He yelled, stomping a hoof against the ground to get everyponies attention. It worked, and he was met with 6 pairs of eyes looking his way. The tan stallion stepped forward, now standing beside the girls.

"Why in Equestria are you hasstling Twilight so much about this ticket!? Why can't you just let her decide?" He asked the last sentence in a softer tone, meeting their eyes periodically.

"You probably just want it for yourself!" Rainbow accused loudly, earning a bored look from the stallion.

"ACTUALLY, I wanted to return 'Ethical Artifacts and Trinkets Galore : Volume 3' to Twilight. That's why I was headed to the library." He argued calmly.

"Girls, there's no use in arguing." Twilight spoke up, an annoyed look on her face.

"But Twilight-" Rarity stepped forward, going to speak, but she was stopped by the mare's hoof.

"Eh! This is my decision, and I'm gonna make it on my own, and I certainly can't think straight with all this noise..." her stomach rumbles loudly. "not to mention hunger. Now go on, shoo." The other mares and Spike walked away, grumbling with complaints.

"And don't worry, I'll figure this out...somehow." Twilight called after them.

Astral walked closer, meeting her sad expression.

"May I interest you in some lunch?" His offer was met with a sceptical look.

The Unicorn waved a hoof gently. "Ah, ah. I'm not trying to favour your ticket choice. I don't want it, honest. You're hungry, let's go fix that." He told her, giving her a small smile. And with a smile in return, Astral and Twilight headed for the nearest cafe in town.

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