you lied!

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As I got back I put the chest down as I get a text.


you little sneak you lied to me!


I don't know anything of what your talking about 😇


Bull shit you knew exactly what you did.


😈 Well I like leading you on it's fun plus you can't kill me if you can't find me.


Who said I was going to kill you?


Natasha Romanoff ex-assassin a badass should I continue?


Those are good points but I have no reason to do that I just need to find you.

Peter: well good luck 😊

Nat: you think your being cute huh.


Bitch I'm adorable.

Nat's pov

I was currently in my room as I see that text I couldn't help but smile at it no one and I mean no one has the ball to say that to me joking or not not even Clint but I don't feel anger but a bit of pride and maybe a little wanting to say language.

Peter's pov

Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I just said bitch I'm adorable to the black widow I'm so dead but wait she doesn't know who I am wait no scratch that she does but she doesn't know where I'm at so that good but she knows it's in Queen's in AP wherehouse there's like what around 50 here in Queen's I'm fucked I then got a text.


Peter language.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that.




No one has ever tried to joke like that to me before and lived.

I was currently shitting myself at that statement as I got another text.


Goodnight 😈



I then went over to the police scanner that someone throw out I still can't believe someone would throw it out sure it's a bit busted but I can have it running in 10 minutes.

10 minutes later.

As I finish the scanner I turned it on and hear.

Scanner: hey Larry your wife on the phone telling you to pick up chocolate.

Larry: tell that ass not to call me when I'm at work!


I then set it up to the side on a old desk I don't use anymore as I work on my web shooter's instead of 300 lbs of pressure in them when I shot out a web I'm going to try get them to 500 lbs of pressure that way they can go farther than before and I won't use as many when I web someone up.

Time skip

As I was finishing up my web shooter's I tried them out to see that they actually are better I then went to bed.

Time skip

As I woke up my body ached it felt like I was dying.

Peter: fuuuuccckkk!

I tried to get up but I couldn't every muscle hurt.

Peter: I hate growth spurts.

Nat's pov

As I was making my way to Queen's I heard saw something I just didn't like Sam following me with Clint on his back I wanted to laugh cause if I turned suddenly then he would fall off so I turned real quick in to a ally and just as I thought I hear.

Clint: SaAaAaAaAm YoU dUmBaSs CaTcH mE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sam: oh shit!

I let out a small chuckle as I drive down to another wherehouse I check back to see if there falling me still nope they aren't so I then pull over at this sandwich shop called delmars.

Time skip

Shit that was the best sandwich I ever had I put in my headphones and listen to the new just in case.

Reporter: this just in Peter Parker mentioned earlier this week has been put up for adoption even though he hasn't been found yet you can still apply to be his legal guardian after the police find him he will have to sign papers to be your child now on to the weather.

Nat: hmm.

Time skip 30 wherehouse's later.

As I did the knock I told Peter about I heard someone coming to the door I smiled thinking this was the right one but when an elderly old man came out in stead my smile dropped a bit.

???: Uh yes may I help you.

Nat: yes I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I'm looking for someone his name's Peter Parker.

I saw his eyes widened when I say Peter's name he then narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

???: What do you want with Pete.

Nat: look I'm not with the state I'm Natasha Romanoff an avenger *sigh* can I come in I'll explain everything then.

I saw him nod then lead me in to a place I saw a few people carrying boxes putting them on shelf's he takes me to an office he shuts the door behind us and locks it he then goes sits down at what I'm assuming is his desk he then asked.

???: Please sit.

I do so.

Nat: thank you Mr?

???: Lee Stan Lee at your service now what do you want with Peter.

I took out my phone and started explaining everything.

Time skip.

Stan:*laughing* oh my God this would happen to him of all people.

He continues to laugh.

Stan: oh Lord help me but your going to need to know a few things before I tell you where he is.

Nat: ok.

Stan: you must understand that he is very different from texting he may seem confident while texting but he's basically a cinnamon roll in real life I don't even know if he knows what sex is I've hinted towards it in jokes before but he doesn't seem to get it he's innocent in my eyes I just hope you forgive him.

Nat: oh I'm not mad at him I just wanted to meet the boy behind the screen you see stark made these phones so that no one could hack them but Peter did also I'd like to meet him and maybe teach him a few things.

I saw the man smile at this.

Stan: ok I'll tell you where he is he's in the wherehouse that has the number 65 in the front of it it's getting late right now he's probably asleep right now mind going to see him tomorrow.

Nat: that's fine with me.

I then got up and left as I got on my motorcycle I couldn't help but think.

Nat:(and the prey is finally found til tomorrow Peter Parker.)

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