wow your cute

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After I said that they was speechless but Nat get her composure and says.

Nat: well we have some thing's to explain to you.

Time skip after explaining.

I tilt my head to the side.

Peter: so I'm not expelled.

Maria: wow your cute.

I blushed at that and found my feet suddenly very interesting as I heard Phil and Nat chuckle.

Nat: so I'm guessing I can go and let you all handle the rest.

Maria: yes I believe that will be fine.

Phil: yes I need to get Peter's new schedule.

Nat nodded and turned towards me.

Nat: I'll be at your place when you get there.

I nodded and said.

Peter: ok bye.

She then left.

Maria: ok we have a few things to talk about please come over here to the meeting room.

I do as they say Phil closes the door behind me and I hear.

Maria: now we are going to be perfectly honest with you fury told us who you are spider-baby.

I couldn't help but pout and say.

Peter:*pouting* it's Spider-Man.

Maria: not with that baby face.

Phil: ok the real reason that we are here is so that you will have actual excuses to get out of class we all know that you don't need them but we want you to be able to have a normal life but I need to go over a few things with you if there is trouble or a mission me or Maria here will come take you out of class and fury wants you to show your identity to the avengers but not now he said that maybe in a year unless something happens I want you to understand that we are here to help and protect you so if there is anything that happens in this school that affects you and you don't like it please don't hesitate to tell me about.

Maria: basically he's saying that if you feel uncomfortable doing something then just take it up with us.

Peter: how can you talk that much without taking a breath mr'colson.

He then hit his head on the desk.

Maria: I'm honestly curious about that too.

Phil: swimming lessons as a kid did wonder's for holding my breath and has saved me more then once.

Peter: neat.

Maria: ok so this is what we are going to do your going to stay in history/chemistry and advanced computer science.

Phil: that will be the first half of the day and the rest you will be in this meeting room and Maria will be going over bio-chem/ battle tactics/ first aid and she will be going to be going around school to see where we need Improvement in.

Peter: ok can I got to class now?

Maria: yes you can.

Time skip

I was in advanced computer science and I felt my spidey sense go off but nothing big just a papper ball as it hits me in the back of the head I already know who through it at me so I don't need to look at who did it as I finished I heard the bell ring and I get up to go to lunch I then hear an announcement.

Announcer: there will be a school wide assembly at the gym for 6 period all students and staff are required to come.

I just got to the cafeteria and I get shoved in to the locker's by.

Flash: out of the way dipshit important people coming through!

He basically yelled this and a teacher saw this but she just shrugged and looked away I then here.

Maria: excuse me!

I turned around and saw Maria walking over to me and help me up.

Maria: Peter are you ok?

Peter: yes ma'am.

Flash: oh come on lady now I got to push him down again.

She then got up and got in his face.

Maria: bullying is not allowed in this school young man principal's office now.

Flash: yeah right whatever you must be a new staff member how much will it take for you to fuck off.

I could literally see the smoke come out of her ears and.

Maria: I said principal's office now you rich little brat!

This caught him off guard for a second then he says.

Maria's pov

Flash: I'm the star quarterback of the team here I don't listen to Bitch's lik-


Before I could do anything Peter punched him in the face and sent him flying across the hall in to a set of locker's my eyes widened as I saw cracks where the other kid was sent flying in to where it was was just out of people's view so that's good I looked at Peter he even looked shocked.

Peter: I thought I was holding back?

Maria: Peter get help me take him to the nurse.

Time skip

Peter's pov.

I was sitting in the meeting room across from Phil and Maria.

Maria: Peter your not in trouble but you need to hold back.

Peter: I honestly thought I did.

Phil: what do you mean.

Peter: I thought I held back enough just to make him step a few feet back maybe that growth spurt was better then the last one?

Maria: well I'll get a few things to check out how much you have grown but in the meantime we fired that teacher that just let you get bullied and we are replacing her with a new sheild agent but she used to be a villain but has turned over a new leaf.

Phil: yes and well she will also know who you are she has been sworn to secrecy when she does find out and no she doesn't know yet and she'll be helping you understand more about the battlefield her experience will be invaluable.

Peter: oh really who is she?

Phil: Felicia Hardy.

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