yeah right

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As we closed the door they both looked at us at me first and honestly they didn't look to thrilled cause to them I'm just a nuisance they then see Nat and both there eye's widened at this we both sat down and Nat says.

Nat: I'm Natasha Romanoff I'm Peter's adopted mother I'm here to make a few changes to his records and such.

I saw both of them take a breath and they both sigh it sounds disappointed.

Principal: Peter I can't believe you.

Vice: yes I'm truly disappointed in you as well.

Peter:*confused* huh? But I didn't do anything I just got here.

Vice: paying some Natasha Romanoff look alike to come here and say that she your mother is very wrong.

Principal: not to mention you don't have a guardian I'll have to call social services to tell them that your here I think maybe even the police because this thing over here is impersonating a avenger.

Peter: *shocked* b-but.

Principal: you know your honestly a student we shouldn't have here  you may be smart but you lied about something like this I'm afraid I'm going to have to expel you.

I felt tears forming in my eyes.

Nat's pov

As I was shocked by how they literally just treated my son I looked over at him he was silently crying something snapped in me and I yelled.

Nat: how dare you!

Principal: I'm so sorry you got caught up in this thing's plan.

he said as he gestured over to Peter I stood up and grabbed him by the shirt as I saw the other one call the cops.

Nat: I am the Natasha Romanoff and if you ever I mean ever say anything like this to my son ever again I'll kill you with out a hint of remorse.

I then pushed him in to the other one and I go over to Peter and I picked him up and I take him outside and I go over to a bench I then I so mad but I put that beside me for now and just hugged Peter.

Small time skip.

Peter calmed down and said he was fine I knew he was lying but I needed to make a few phone calls I could here sirens in the distance so I pulled out my phone and called fury.

Small time skip

As I got done I saw the cop's come out of the school with both the Vice principal and principal in tow and they both pointed at me and Peter as we see a social workers car pull up the cop's come over to me they looked like they was conflicted and said.

Officer 1: uh do you have any I.D. on you ma'am.

I pulled out my ID and gave to him I saw his eyes widened when he reads it he handed it back to me saying.

Officer 1: I'm very sorry ma'am.

He then went over to the 2 dumbasses and let them know I could visually see there faces pale and I couldn't help but smile I then see the social worker go over to them then tell her something I see them scared I then see a sheld car pull up and I see Phil colson and Maria hill get out 2 very good agent's head over I took a look at Peter with his head down but then I heard light snoring and smiled at this I went over to them and hear.

Maria: you both are under arrest for taking bribes from students parents and metal abuse of children.

Just then the cop's from before went over and arrested them both placing them both in a car and they left I went over to them both and.

Maria: I find out you have a son from fury I honestly thought you'd tell me but I've been wrong before.

Phil: don't worry about anything in this school I shall be taking the roll of principal.

Maria: and I vice principal.

My eyes slightly widened at this.

Phil: director fury said that he has bought this place because he wishes to help the kids here previously the people who work here have been only focused on the sports of this school even though there are very intellectual students here and he said that they could have a very bright future for the school possiblity for sheld so he did this.

I smiled at this.

Peter's pov

As I started to wake up I saw Nat talking over to with Maria hill and Phil colson I've hacked in to sheild before so I went over to them and got behind Nat and peaked around her like a child would they both see as Nat chuckles i saw Maria's eyes widened and I say.

Peter: hi Phil colson and Maria hill agent's of SHELD.

They looked at me shocked.

Nat: how'd you know that?

Peter: director fury needs better non hackable software.

Everyone's eye's widened at this.

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