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Originally published Sept. 28, 2017

Requested?: Yes

"i was wondering if you could do a zach x reader. where the readers mum asks her to get up and she replies with 5 more minute. Her mum uses the excuse that Zach was here to try and get her up only the time the reader replies with something along the lines of "not funny mum, the jokes old now" but it turns out Zach was actually there. She decided to surprise her since he was back from tour or something x"

Title: Wake Up

Pairing: Zach x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 511

Summary: Zach gets back from tour and surprises you.

Warning(s): Nothing that I can think of. Message me if there's anything you see that I don't!

A/N: Thank you so so much for the request, ! I changed it a little bit, so instead of it being the reader's mom, it's her roommate. I hope you don't mind, and I hope you enjoy the imagine!

The door to your bedroom creaked open. The gentle padding of feet across the floor filled the room. You rolled over, your body now facing the door, but your eyes stayed shut.

"Y/N,"  a sing-song voice said. It was your roommate, Becca. "It's time to wake up!"

You groaned, pulling the cover over your head. You didn't get much sleep the night before. You had spent most of the night texting your boyfriend, Zach, until he finally had to go. By the time you finally fell asleep, the sun was starting to rise.

"I don't wanna," you grumbled.

"Y/N," Becca said. "It's, like, one in the afternoon. You need to wake up."


Becca tugged on your blanket, pulling it off of you. You screwed your eyes up, burying your face in your pillow.

"Zach's here," Becca said, trying to trick you into waking up.

But you weren't stupid. You knew that Zach wasn't there—he couldn't have been there. His band, Why Don't We, had just finished their tour and he was off visiting his family while he had some free time. There was no possible way for him to be back in California.

"That's not funny, Becca," you said, lifting your head off the pillow.

"Y/N, I'm not kidding this time," she said. Becca had a history of telling you that Zach was at the apartment to get you out of bed. You'd fallen for it the first few times it happened, but you had become so used to it, you figured she was lying. "He really is here."

"The joke's getting old, Becs," you said. You still had a bit of grogginess in your voice. "Seriously, you could just use super loud and annoying noises to wake me up, instead of manipulating me."

You felt the bed dip as someone laid down beside you. An arm wrapped around you. You heard Becca giggle then walk out of the room. Realizing what had happened, you gasped and sat up in the bed. You couldn't believe what was happening. Laying beside you in bed was a grinning Zach.

"What? What are you doing here?" you said, speaking before you could think about what you're saying. "Like, don't get me wrong, but I thought you'd be spending time with your family and, like, I don't know...Why are you here?"

Zach sat up, smiling at you. "I wanted to surprise you...Did it work?"

"Ummm, yeah," you laughed. "I can't believe you're here."

He leaned it for a kiss. "Well, believe it."

You moved away. "Ew, don't kiss me. I haven't brushed my teeth y—"

He moved in faster than you were expecting, planting a kiss on your lips in the middle of your sentence. "I don't care that you have a nasty breath right now," he laughed. "I haven't seen you in months, and all you care about is brushing your teeth."

You playfully hit shoulder. "Shut up, you idiot."

He smiled and kissed you again. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Zach."

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