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Originally published Oct

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Originally published Oct. 7, 2017

Title: Twinkle Twinkle

Pairing: Zach x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 368

Summary: Zach asks if you're still upset after he takes back all of his hoodies that you stole

Warning(s): Joke about hitting someone with a car, mild cussing

A/N: Thank you so much for the request! Sorry that it's kind of short, but I hope you enjoy it!

Your family always joked that you were like a dragon. You took things that you liked, hoarding them, holding onto them long after they've lost value. It was no surprise to anyone when you ended up stealing every single one of your boyfriend's hoodies. Nobody, of course, but him. He was completely unaware of your thievery until he looked in his closet and found that he didn't have a single hoodie left.

Then he did the only rational thing he could think of. He went over to your apartment and took all of his hoodies back. But, he never considered your reaction to his theft—because that's exactly what you thought about it. The hoodies were yours, and he took them from you (never mind that they were his originally).

But one should never anger a dragon.

You didn't talk to him for a full week. Every text was left on read. Every call was ignored. Zach finally understood why the motto for Hogwarts was never tickle a sleeping dragon. He fucked up, and how he had to pay for it.

His friends thought it was hilarious. They couldn't believe he was stupid enough to take his hoodies back. Did he not know how territorial girls were about their boyfriends' hoodies? Zach had no idea how to make it better.

After a week of you ignoring him, Zach texted you, praying that you might respond.

zach: hey. u still mad?

He waited, chewing on his fingernails as three little dots appeared on the screen. A moment later, he had a response.

y/n: twinkle twinkle little star

He frowned. What were you getting at? Was this some sort of joke or something?

zach: how i wonder what u are?

It wasn't even a minute later that he got a response from you.

y/n: how i wish to hit u with my car

If he wasn't so shocked by your response, he would've laughed.

zach: ok ur still mad

zach: guess ur not gonna get my hoodies back then

As soon as the text delivered, you had sent your response.



Zach laughed. Well, at least you weren't going to be at mad at him forever.

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