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Originally published Oct

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Originally published Oct. 19, 2017

Title: Sugar High

Pairing: Jack x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 481

Summary: You have too many sweets and can't go to sleep because of it, so you try to tire yourself out by dancing wildly in the backyard. Your boyfriend, Jack, finds you and rushes to get his camera so he can film the glorious moment.

Warning(s): Like one cuss word

A/N: Thank you so so much for the request!

There was a reason no one gave you sugar ever. Just like someone people had a very low alcohol tolerance and could get drunk very easily, you had an extremely low sugar tolerance and was very prone to getting sugar highs. But it was almost Halloween and all the stores had the aisles lined with candy and you were an adult now, so who was going to stop you from buying all of the candy you wanted? No one, that's who. You pigged out on sweets and didn't have a single regret while doing it.

But now it was a quarter past three in the morning and you couldn't fall asleep. You had decided to spend the night at your boyfriend's home and, while he slept soundly in bed, you sat wide awake on the couch. You'd spent the last several hours on your phone, scrolling through Instagram, liking and commenting on photos that fans posted of Jack. That got boring after a while, though, and you still weren't tired.

Then, a lightbulb went off above your head. You jumped off the couch and grabbed a pair of earbuds from your purse, then raced out into the backyard. You plugged your earbuds into your phone and put them in your ears whilst scrolling through your music app. You went down to your WDW playlist and hit shuffle play. As the music filled your ears, you couldn't help but sing and dance along.

You were sure you were disturbing the boys' neighbors but you were too delirious to care. You had shut your eyes in the middle of your erratic dancing, and hadn't noticed that a sleepy Jack had come wandering outside.

He rubbed his eyes, yawning. When he was awake enough to see what was going on outside, he laughed out loud. You were a fucking dork, and he loved it. He hurried back inside to grab his phone and when he came back out, he recorded your dancing. He captioned it "I guess this means she likes the new EP" before posting it to his story.

When you opened your eyes, you nearly screamed when you saw Jack in the doorway, laughing his ass off. You took your earbuds out as your face turned red. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your head in his chest.

"How long have you been out here?" you mumbled.

"Long enough to post your dancing to Snapchat," he laughed.

"...I freaking hate you."

"Sure you do," he said. "I'll believe that when pigs fly."

"Well, I guess this would be a good time to put my mad scientist skills to the test."

He laughed. "C'mon, babe, let's go to bed. You can do whatever crazy experiment you want when the sun is up."


"Promise." Jack smiled down at you. "I love you."

"And I love you."

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