Chapter 5 - Death of A French And Aussie

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Day Four

October 23, 20XX, 8:15 AM, UN's Mansion, Diner Room
Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan

Everyone was in the diner room, talking while also eating their breakfast. Most of the conversations were about the deaths of Argentina and Brazil, whilst others were just about life.

The golden winged country just didn't feel like talking, ever since the last countries deaths, it had affected Kazakhstan. He couldn't help but feel fear of he could be next and die as well but he knew he had to find out who the murder may be first.

He couldn't help but jump to conclusions that it might be Vietnam, he has been awfully quiet lately and you can't always not suspect someone who's usually unsuspected. Plus, Vietnam had seemed to always be with just away from others, even when he knows that there's a murder on the loose!

Kazakhstan also suspects China, Not because he's quiet, he is usually quiet. It was just because of how China acted around UN, as if China was planning to kill UN next or last...

Kazakhstan then shook his head and returned his gaze back to his breakfast, which was nearly finished. He stared at it for a moment, before finally losing his appetite and getting up to go clean the dishes in the kitchen.

After he had washed his dish, he saw some other countries come in as well with their empty plates and start washing them at the kitchen sinks as well.

Kazakhstan watches them for a moment before exiting the Kitchen and entering back into the Diner room.

While he walked in, he heard UN ask "Where's Ms. Paris and Mr. Canberra, Mr. Ottawa..?" Kazakhstan sat back down in his seat, as Canada answered "Australia went to comfort France in France's room, though they should be down here in a few minutes..."

UN nodded and went back to having a conversation with EU as well as FBI if you count him bothering UN.

They all kept talking, nothing much happening, until 10 minutes had gone by, worrying the Canadian and as well as New Zealand.

Canada then started tapping his foot on the wooden floor, slightly impatient and worried about his mother and brother.

New Zealand also started to tap his fingers on the table, feeling the same as the Canadian about their mother and brother.

Kazakhstan starts to get a bit nervous as well, scared to have another death happen, even worse, two of them happening like with Argentina and Brazil. The golden winged country shuddered at the thought of the scene he saw yesterday, not wanting that to happen again anytime soon.

He then looked over to the head of the table down the room, to see UN sitting there, with an unreadable expression. He grew once more, anxious about France and Australia not joining them to eat breakfast.

Until America abruptly stood up, having his chair move back from the sudden movement. Everyone slightly flinched and turned their attention towards the striped country, to see an irritated look on his face.

Some countries got a bit nervous about this, and watched as the American walked out of the room. To France's room, Kazakhstan assumed.

Once the door closed, everyone began talking again in whispers. They were mostly concerned and wondered, what had happened to America, that caused him to snap and leave the room abruptly?

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