See You Again...

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It's been a long day...

She sat there sitting in the mud, rain dripping down her face to mix with the salty water of the tears she had been shedding. She sat at his grave site again.

Without you, my Sev...

Love comes and goes in your life, but it is most painful when it is jerked out from underneath you. The most potent thief- Death.

And I'll tell you all about it...

She came there everyday since she had found him bleeding, dying. Yet, there had been nothing she could do. She had sat there cradling his head in her lap, wishing, willing, for him to get up and wrap his arms around her in an assuring embrace, to tell her that he was alright, that they were alright; to tell her he loved her. She had whispered the words over and over to him, a mantra of her love and devotion to him. She felt helpless, felt like she should have known of a spell, or an antidote to help him, even though she knew there was none.

When I see you again...

The two boys had looked on with confused, but sympathy ridden expressions. She told them to go, for she couldn't leave him, not yet. Even though she knew she would have to. They still had to kill that blasted snake. They had to finish this war. The one thing she knew he had been fighting for his entire life. He'd sacrificed everything, including his life, for some hair brained schemes of an old codger. She had to leave. She had to continue on for him, she had to finish this for him.

We've come a long way...

Hermione stood on shaking legs, cast one last longing tear stained glance at the only man she had ever loved. Then she walked out of the Shrieking Shack, leaving behind the regrettably lifeless body of Severus Snape.

From where we began...

Now here she sat, as she had everyday for the past 7 years.

"I love you." Hermione said as she always has.

And I'll tell you all about it...

Of course, unbeknownst to her, he still lingered.

"I'll wait for you." Severus said as he had each day.

When I see you again...


Hello Dear Readers...
Ummmm.... I myself don't know why I keep on coming back to Alan..
One of those few things I can't let go!!!

Soooo???? How was it?

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