Part 20

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My fingers are cold...AgAiN! :')

Midoriya would get that weird feeling every once in a while when he was really close to Todoroki. He wasn't sure what it was, but it bothered him a bit. He's been trying to ignore it as he tried to have a fun night. They went to a lot of shops, Todoroki mostly paying for his and Midoriya's stuff, even though Midoriya told him he didn't need to do that. Todoroki didn't mind though.

"Todoroki," Midoriya began as they were walking back to school grounds. It was close to twelve and both of the boys were tired. Todoroki turned his head to the greenette and hummed in response. "T-thanks for today," he mumbled slightly as his cheeks glowed pink. "I-it was fun."

Todoroki grinned. He was glad that Midoriya had fun and he was happy to see that Midoriya was happy. That's what he's been wanting to see for a while now. He felt something next to the back of his hand. He looked down to see his and Midoriya's hands brushing against each other. Todoroki slowly intertwined his hand into Midoriya's.  Both of the boys looked at each other and stood still and silent for a moment, both their cheeks starting to glow a familiar color. "I'm glad you had fun," Todoroki said.

Midoriya smiled. This feeling inside him was still there, but he knows what it probably is. He hoped he was correct.

The greenette stood up on his the end of his tippy toes and leaned in close to Todoroki. The half-and-half boy watched the other lean in and his eyes closing as he soon realized what Midoriya was attempting to do. Todoroki slowly began leaned in.

Their faces inched closer and closer by the second, and before they knew it, their lips were touching and the gap between them was closed for a good few seconds.

(a/n *violently smacks head on table while fangirling*)

They broke the kiss and stared at each other in the eyes. Todoroki noticed how glossy Midoriya's eyes were and he frowned. "M-Midoriya, are you-"

"Goddammit!" Midoriya yelled as he backed away, rubbing his eyes. "Gah, I-I'm sorry, I'm so stupid..." the boy mumbled. The heterochromatic boy looked down at the other with a confused look. "Midoriya, what are you talking about?"

"I-I don't know...I just...didn't expect myself to do that!" Midoriya replied. It was silent between the two for a moment. Todoroki stared at Midoriya for another moment and started to giggle. He covered his mouth with his hand trying not to laugh. Midoriya looked up confused. "T-Todoroki?"
"Sorry," Todoroki chuckled. "It's just your reaction after you kissed me was a bit funny but cute."

Midoriya blushed. He choked on his own words speechless.

"Midoriya, can we talk for a minute?" Todoroki asked as he sat down near a bench that seemed to be there in luck since his feet were getting tired. Midoriya nodded and sat down beside him.

Todoroki was starting to feel awkward, but e had to get over that feeling. "Midoriya, it's probably already obvious and we just kissed but...I like you, like you," Todoroki said in a soft tone, his face turning red as a tomato. It was silent for another moment.

" long?" Midoriya asked. "I...had a feeling you did after that one time when you kissed me at school, long have you liked me?"
"Since the Sports Festival..."

Midoriya looked down at his hands, picking at a nail. He nervously looked back up and swallowed the lump that was in his throat. "I like you too," he replied. "I figured I did after tonight."

It was silent for another moment. Todoroki then cleared his throat. "So...does that mean we're boyfriends now?" He chuckled. Midoriya chuckled and nodded. "Yeah." A smile grew on his face.


ayyYYE my FingerS ArEnt So CoLD AnYmORe!!!

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