Part 26

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Okay, I'm using my tablet for this and the screen is so big i cant even type like im using my laptop. Lol I'm so used to typing on my laptop. Ya'll predict this chapter way too well like I dont even care if I spoil it at this point cuz you guys knew very well that All For One was coming soon lol. Also, the League of Villains are coming along with him cuz I fucking love them so why the heck not vsfbkdbvhksdb. AnYwaYs onTo tHe chapTer!!!! (It might be a bit short, idk we'll see)

Midoriya looked around at every ride that they hadn't gotten on yet. "LET'S GO ON THE ZIPPER, BABE!!!" Midoriya exclaimed as he grabbed Todoroki's hand in excitement. Todoroki chuckled. "I'd rather not, I kinda don't like that ride."
"Awe man~why not?" Midoriya whined. Midoriya was full of energy since he ate cotton candy Todoroki bought for him. He was hyper like a puppy.

"Deku," Bakugou began. His rought voice made Midoriya jump a little. The greenette turned his head quick. "You wanna ride on The Zipper with me since Todoroki-kun is being a big baby about it?"

Midoriya chuckled. "He's not being a baby but sure, I'll get on with you," he said choosing his words cautiously.

"Is that okay with you, Shouto?" Midoriya asked looking back at his boyfriend. Todoroki hesitated for a moment, but he nodded anyway. He thought this would be a good time for the two to bond and become close friends again like before. (A/n Curse my muli-shipping ass)

"Really? Thanks, Shouto! C'mon Kacchan!" Midoriya said as he dragged the ash-blond along with him.

The line wasn't that bad and the boys were both on the ride. The ride of course wasn't starting yet since some other people and a few boys from their group wanted to get on the ride as well.

Midoriya and Bakugou could hear Kaminari freaking out since Tokoyami made him get on with him. It was making the two laugh. Midoriya looked at Bakugou for a moment. Midoriya was filled with questions and wonders in his head. "Em...Kacchan?" Midoriya started out. Bakugou looked at Midoriya and hummed in response. "Why are you...being so nice to me?" The boy asked.

Bakugou frowned. He looked down at his feet. "I felt bad..." he mumbled. "I fucking bullied you for years and treated you like shit. Your dad left you and you were quirkless, and now your dad is actually a fucking villain and I hadn't realized you couldn't handle that much pain..."

Midoriya frowned. "Kac...chan..."
"I'm so sorry, Izu-chan."

It was silent for a moment. Midoriya looked back at Bakugou. "If I could right now, I would give you a hug, but the ride is already going," the greenette giggled. Bakugou didn't even realized that it had started going and they were already flipping. The two started to scream and laugh.



Midoriya got off the ride, almost falling down since his legs were shaking from excitement. Bakugou had to help him, so he just hoisted the boy up onto his back.

"Oi, you are heavier than I thought," Bakugou chuckled. "Hey!" Midoriya gasped and playfully slapped him.

"Oi, Midoriya? You alright?" Mirio asked with slight concern. "He got so excited that his legs were shaking after and he almost collapsed to the ground," Bakugou replied.

"Oh man, you guys liked that ride that much?"
"Well, Kaminari-kun-"

"I'M ALIVE!!!" Kaminari yelled as he plopped himself to the ground and started to kiss it. Tokoyami squatted to the ground and patted the boy on the head trying to comfort him or whatever.

Todoroki chuckled. "Izu, can you walk now?"
"Maybe. Can you let me down Kacchan?"

The ash-blond let the boy down. Midoriya used Todoroki's shoukder for support and took a moment. "Okay, I think I can walk again!" He said with a goofy smile. "Oh, and one more thing~"

Midoriya attacked Bakugou into a tight hug. Bakugou's eyes widened. "I forgive you," Midoriya said. Tears were brimmed in Bakugou's eyes and he hid his face into the greenette's shoulder.

"Yo, Bakubro? You okay?" Kaminari asked with slight concern. Bakugou and Midoriya broke the hug. The boy rubbed at his teary eyes. "Shit," he mumbled. "Yeah, I'm fine Pickachu. Don't worry about me, 'kay."

Bakugou looked back at Midoriya, who gave him a soft smile. Bakugou smiled in return.

"Hey is anyone hungry?" Mirio asked. All the boys nodded. "I could go for a tasty hamburger right now~" Kaminari said as he started to drool. (Fun fact if you haven't already known: Denki's favourite food is a hamburger)

"Alrighty then. Is everyone else okay with that?"
"YEAH!!!" The boys shouted and punched the air.


*le time skip brought to you by Midoriya's evil potato father*

Midoriya sighed as he leaned his head on Todoroki's shoulder. Todoroki glanced at the greenette and pecked a soft kiss on the boy's head. "You tired?" He asked. Midoriya nodded. "I wanna go to bed..."

"We got two more hours and then we go back to the dorms. Geeze Midoriya, you looked wrecked," Mirio said.

"Quick, someone go buy him cotton candy so he's all hyper again!" Kaminari said as he slapped the picnic table, causing a fork to fly in the air and flip.

"Oi, dumbass be careful!" Bakugou scolded as he quickly moved away from the fork falling to the ground.

Kaminari laughed and patted Bakugou on the shoulder. "Woops, sorry buddy-"
"Never touch me," Bakugou said as he gave a look at Kaminari. "Gotcha," the yellow haired boy said and pulled out finger guns.

A loud crash from the distance was heard and it shook the whole carnival grounds. Everyone looked at each other with worried looks. "What the hell was that?" Todoroki said as he stood up. Midoriya grapsed Todoroki's hand.

People started to scream and run away. Something wasn't right.

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