meeting at the club

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Steve stumbled into the bar top, almost knocking over a man's drink in the process. "I'm so sorry," he apologized as he slumped onto the stool right next to the stranger.

The man laughed. "It's alright."

"I'll have a rum and coke," Steve slurred at the bartender.

"Actually," the stranger piped up, "he'll have a water. Thanks." The bartender nodded and set a cold glass of water in front of Steve.

"Hey! I'm trying to get drunk here."

"I think you've already accomplished that goal."

"I'm trying to get more drunk here," Steve clarified.

The stranger laughed again. "Having that bad of a time?"

"I came here with my asshole friends who thought it'd be funny to ditch me the second we got inside."

"So? Quit sitting here, moping around. Go have fun without them. Go find someone to dance with or talk to."

"I'm talking to you, aren't I?"

"Yeah, only after you almost spilled my entire drink down the front of me."

"Shame that I didn't. Cause then you would've had to take your shirt off." It was too dark, and honestly, Steve was too drunk  to tell, but Steve's comment made the stranger blush slightly. "I'm Steve, by the way," he said, extending his hand.

"James," the other man said, taking Steve's hand in his own.

"So, James," Steve said, drawing out his name. "You here alone?"

"Nah, I came here with a friend, but I'm sure she's in the bathroom making out with some girl right about now."

"Tsk tsk tsk," Steve chided. "You badgered me about drinking alone after being ditched by my friends, but here you are, doing the same thing."

"Except I'm not drunk off my ass."

"That just makes you even sadder."

"Are you normally this much of an asshole when you're sober?"

"I don't know. Maybe you could spend the night with me and see for yourself tomorrow morning."

"Woaah, are you normally this forward when you're sober?" James asked, laughing.

"Like I said: only one way to find out." Steve winked at James, or at least he tried to wink. He was so drunk, it mostly looked like his face was having muscle palpitations.

"I might just take you up on that offer."

"What's stopping you?"

"Unlike you, I'm not quite drunk enough."

"Well, get that way."

James chuckled but ordered himself a few more shots nonetheless.

An hour later, James found himself at Steve's apartment. Once inside, Steve wasted no time. He dragged James to his room and shoved him backwards on the bed. Steve climbed on top of him, straddling his waist, as he ripped off his own shirt.

"Man am I glad I took you up on your offer," James said, running his hands across Steve's now bare chest.

"It really is just too bad I didn't spill your drink earlier," Steve said, now taking off James' shirt. "Cause I would've gotten to see this a lot sooner."


The next morning, James woke with a groan. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes, as he felt a surge of pain in his head. James took a minute to get his bearings and remember where he was. He smiled as he looked at Steve sleeping next to him as he remembered the events from the night before. Steve began stirring, and looked at James sleepily.

"Morning, handsome," James said, cheekily.

"Mmmh," Steve groaned. "My head is killing me." James chuckled as Steve slowly got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom for some aspirin. He brought back water and medicine for both of them, which they quickly downed.

"So," James started, a sly smirk on his face. "About last night. That was amazing."

"Uh, yeah, n-no, it was." Steve said, embarrassed.

"Ooh, so not as forward sober, I see."

"Shut up," Steve said, launching a pillow right into James's face.

"But just as much an asshole."

hope you enjoyed :) this was loosely inspired by the attached prompt. it gave me an idea and i just ran with it. thanks for reading <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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