I am sorry

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I'm finally over him but just stuck in the memories.
I read her notes and don't even feel anything.
She directed alot of hate towards me and I don't blame her.
I feel what she went thru when he left me for her.
The only difference is I'm stronger and know how to pick myself up.
I don't change myself for someone to like me.
I'm me.
I don't like being put last.
I don't like feeling like I'm just a sex doll.
And that's why I'm glad you left.
Now I don't think I'll be trying to find love anytime soon but I do know that I risked everything to be with you and actually loved you.
And I don't think I want to hurt myself again.
I hope you get your heart broke just as bad as you hurt mine.
I hope it's worse.
But I also hope you get better and quit ruining your life.
Please don't give up running for weed.
I care for you but can not say I love you in that way.
I love the memory of you.
Who you used to be.

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