To Mom

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I'm sorry I'm not a good enough daughter. He makes me uncomfortable and feel yucky. I wish he could never come back because he makes me feel disgusting and ugly. I love you mom but I wish you had better taste in men. He asked me to have my friends play with them selves for money and calls me inappropriate names. Momma please hear me when I say that this is nothing to do with you. I just cant be here in the house anymore. We lost everything because of him and your kissing his ass like he didnt do anything wrong. He scares me so I have to leave even tho I want to protect you. I can't protect someone who doesn't want help.
I'm sorry ive been smoking every day and have lost myself. I didn't want to become like this but I just am not happy anymore momma. Weed keeps me happy and alive, it keeps my mind off of how horrible my life is right now. Forgive me.


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