Part II

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Internal - Evening - Taz's House

As the time passes on, Taz is waiting for his clients to come. While waiting, he starts to reminisce on a relationship that he had with an ex, his relationship with his ex Taylor was something he didn't expect to lose but he missed the red flags, he was fighting for the love of someone who wanted to leave but he couldn't understand why it happened. He really loved her, she made him feel loved but things began to change when she accused him of things that wasn't true, she knew where he was and who he talked to and what he was doing, he didn't have a job when she started dating him, but they made it happen for 6 months. She knew about his past & he knew what she been through, however, he promised not to put her through the same situation that she's been through with men before him and women that he done wrong to. Once he was done reminiscing about the past, he was wondering where the clients at, it was like almost 5:00 and it's no sign of anyone coming to his house, it's like the waiting game but everyone hates the waiting game. It passed the time for the second session, he decides to get ready to meet Tiffany at the spot that they normally go to.

Internal - Night - Local Bar

The spot they normally go to is a local bar that everyone go to for whatever event, rather it's open mic night, comedy night, someone coming to perform, whatever the event is during the time of the week. It's around 9:20 & Taz is waiting on her, he had already ordered their drinks and wings and he's just waiting on her, she rushes in, she gets to their table and apologize for being 20 mins late. Once she sat down, she began to say:

Tiffany (on screen)
"So look, I got you tickets to see Method Man & Redman perform at the Barclay Center and it's a reason why I have two tickets."

Taz (on screen)
"I see, so you're going with me?"

Tiffany (on screen)
"Not exactly... but I know someone who will."

Taz (on screen)
"No, no, no, I hate surprises, especially new people."

Tiffany (on screen)
"I know Taz but you're always trying to keep everyone happy & work on everyone else's love life but you haven't been in one in how long?"

Taz (on screen)
«sips his drink, looks at the ticket and looks at her»
"Look I understand what you're doing Tiff but I don't want to waste my time anymore. I meet women who claim to want a man to be this dream guy for them & you know me, so like they want a good man but settle for less & expect less to be great. They got the right imagination but wrong move set, it's like chess, the goal is yell checkmate but how you're going say checkmate when you make the wrong moves? That's why they lose the king but it's men who sacrifice their queen so how can they learn to honor and protect their king when a king have no problem sacrificing her? I make the right moves but lose because I can't meet the right women or the ones who claim to want me won't make a move so I be left looking stupid. Only reason I became a counselor was to use my experiences when it comes to relationships or anything I've been through in life because people don't realize the lesson that's taught in relationships or life in general, rather you're going through good things, bad things, whatever the case may be, I just help people out because they want somebody to be there for them and that's what I'm good at. Also it's time someone show people how to deal with things again like really listen, understand, patience, etc. you know?"

Tiffany (on screen)
"I hate when you give me the speech, look I just want to see my friend happy, I want a niece or a nephew, unless you're going to adopt and I don't see that happening."

Taz (on screen)
«looking appalled»
"And why not?"

Tiffany (on screen)
"Because you deserve your own child."

Taz (on screen)
"Well if I don't find someone who seriously wants me or ain't scared to go for what they want then adoption is what I'm going for."

Tiffany (on screen)
«leans back in her seat, sips her drink»
"Any who, I just want you to meet the girl, you may like her and if you don't then I'll stop trying to hook you up!"

As she said with a smirk, Taz smiled & knew she was lying but he rather not get into it with her. As Tiffany and Taz continued with their drinks & food, Tiffany receives a phone call, it was from Anestesie, the woman that's supposed to go with Taz to the concert in 2 months.

Tiffany (on screen)
«answer the phone»
"What's up girl?"

Anestesie (off screen)
"Nothing much what you doing?"

Tiffany (on screen)
"Just chilling, remember I told you I was going to be with Taz right?"

Taz (on screen)
"Who's that?"

Tiffany (on screen)
«tells Taz to hold up with her finger then talks to Anestesie»
"So look right, I'm going to show him a picture of you because I haven't had time yet since I've been working on this project but you're not busy on the 20th right?"

Anestesie (off screen)
"Yeah girl but you think he'll like me?"

Tiffany (on screen)
"Girl he'll be all over you but look let me call you back."

Anestesie (off screen)

As both women hung up the phone, Taz had a look upon his face in which Tiffany knew what he was thinking, she says

Tiffany (on screen)
"Look I know what you're thinking, she is the woman who's going to the concert with you, she's nervous about meeting you."

Taz (on screen)
"Nervous? What I look scary?"

Tiffany (on screen)
"No boy, you just look good. She didn't believe me when I said you was single , she went on like 'girl he must got hoes, that's why he's single.' I said 'no that's not true, he haven't been with anyone for over a year but I'll let you find out all that for yourself. I'm going to set up a date, I know both of y'all like music and y'all love 90's music so why not get y'all to a concert? I'll buy the ticket for y'all to go see Method Man & Redman since y'all both like them."

Taz ( on screen)
"You think you're slick huh? Have her meet me by the McDonald's over there by Harford Rd and Moravia."

Tiffany (on screen)
"How about you pick up from her job tomorrow? Here's her job address (hands him her a business card) I think she's a good one for you. I'm texting her now to let her know to expect you to get her."

Taz (on screen)
"I hope you're right shawty, I guess I'll do it one more time, to give love a try, I'll get her tomorrow , what time she gets off?"

Tiffany (on screen)
"She gets off at 4:30."

Taz (on screen)
"Good! I'll be done from my session by 3:30, gives me time to prepare myself."

Tiffany (on screen)
"Oh you trying to be fresh?"

Taz (on screen)
"You know I like to stay clean."

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