Part III

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Internal - Day - Taz's House

As the day begins, Taz have a female client by the name of Jessica, she contacted Taz because she just wanted someone to talk to since she just got out of a very damaging marriage. Taz got his living room prepared, candles lit, music playing for meditation purposes, he awaits the arrival of Jessica. He begins to think about Anestesie, her looks, what she's about? Is she a good person? Will he be wasting his time? Many things to think about but first he must helps someone with their needs, it seems like that's what he always do, put people problems first. It's a knock on the door, Taz goes to the door & opens it, welcomes in Jessica, he shows her where the session will take place. They both sat from across from each other & began to talk:

Taz (on screen)
"How you're feeling today Jessica?"

Jessica (on screen)
"I'm okay, just happy the lord blessed me with an opportunity to wake up today!"

Taz (on screen)
"That's good, that's good."

Jessica (on screen)
"Yes, so I'm just happy to be here, I saw that you're available to talk to whenever so I had to give you a try, I have so much to say."

Taz (on screen)
«he gets all comfortable, pen ready, ears ready»
"Well I'm all ears."

Jessica (on screen)
"So I've been married for 8 years but it felt like 8 years of prison, hell, the time I wish I could get back. My ex husband was the sweetest man you'll ever meet, that's his game but then I seen the real monster in him, everything flipped once we got married, the 'I love you' stopped being said, the verbal abuse occurred, the physical abuse happened, he knew how to patch me up when people would come to the house, he knew what to say, how to behave, I had to lie to people. I know if I didn't lie and pretend to be okay, I knew I'll be dead. I didn't have a job because he knew that I'll be gone and wouldn't return so he made sure to trap me, I couldn't leave the house. The shit was a mess, he made me not feel beautiful anymore, I started to lose friends because I had to push them away, my family never gave up on me but I had put a strain on our relationship cause of the damn devil I was trapped with. The only way I escaped from this marriage was a miracle happened, somebody ran his ass over for drinking and driving and when the doctor said he wasn't going to make it, I told them to pull that motherfucking plug and that's how I got out of it. This shit just hurts (starts to cry) like why me? I only wanted to be married with kids and look what happened (shows Taz the scars on her body) each one of these are different ways of abuse, like I can't love another man again, I can't allow another man into my world because they don't understand my pain & I'll believe in my heart that every man is the same... I'm sorry, I must go!"

Just as Jessica was about to leave, Taz got up and said:

Taz (on screen)
"No wait, let's finish."

She sat back down, then Taz grabbed her hand, she didn't know what he's about to do so she's nervous, but Taz says to her

Taz (on screen)
"You think no one understands you? I'm not going to sit here and act like I know what it's like to be in your shoes, it's your life so you know your pain but I understand and you don't want to tell your problem to anyone because they might don't get it, is what I'm hearing, however, forget that I'm a counselor and stuff but I like to be there for people. You haven't had a friend in a long time have you?"

Jessica (on screen)
«wipes her face»

Taz (on screen)
"All I want from you is to open up. Forget what my title is, as I'm holding your hand, I believe in spirituality and deepening spirits and having positive energy, transferring your energy to a person who needs it, let's be friends."

Jessica (on screen)
«she looks confused»
"Why? What you want from me?"

Taz (on screen)
"Nothing, I want to give you a friendship, just be there for you in your time in need, I believe no one should be left alone when they're in darkness, it let's you know who's there for you. Can I show you something?"

Jessica (on screen)
"What you want to show me?"

Taz (on screen)
«he stands up, take his shirt off and places her hand on my his chest»
"Do you see my scar?"

Jessica (on screen)
"What scar? I just see your chest."

Taz (on screen)
"I placed your hand across my heart because the scars are inside, I'm not comparing myself to you, I'm telling about my scars. My scars come from each woman that I loved and each one I hurt, I say my heart is made of gold because it don't break but it damages, I'm not making myself a victim, you're a victim in your situation, you've suffered mentally, emotionally and physically , even spiritually and way more, but no ones pain is much more important than another's. I take accountability for things that I've done & things I haven't done. It comes from being blamed for things I didn't do as a child because of my mother, so I try to be there for everyone & give love that I always wanted, love is what you make it, it's what you give, it's going to be times that you don't get it how you want it, it'll be times you get it how you want it but can you handle how you get it? Because everyone can't so it's much more easier to settle for what you're used to. If your choice is not to love another person, trust another then that's okay, I'm not going to make you feel bad about it and no one should nor should you let them, that's your given right. Everyone has scars and things that they been through, what are you going to make out of your pain? It's so many people who've been through something and it's like, nobody's there for them so they're not getting this same talk."

Jessica (on screen)
«takes her hand back and wipes her eyes»
"You're right, I thank you for what you said and I'm glad we talked. I didn't think about nobody else's pain because I looked at it like who cares about me or mines? You know? So it's like no one can relate or care to hear me out, I didn't want to feel judged for what I been through or be looked as a charity case or anything honestly. How much for the session?"

Taz (on screen)
"It's on the house. I'm not charging my friends. Also I won't judge you, I'll give you my perspective on something but I won't judge you, I know people who I fuck with, female wise, who've done things but it's like I won't judge them, I take what they told me and I'll take it to the grave, so it's all good, we're homies. I don't want you to ever feel like you can't talk to no one, just schedule an appointment with me and boom, we can another session, I want you to take things slow and start over, start your life over and focus on yourself, become the best version of YOU and then whenever you're ready to date, do it but only with the lessons you've learned from your past and be open minded, only date when you're ready to love, trust, honor and much more and make sure that man will do the same in return, not just for a few days, few weeks, a few sex moments, naw like is consistent and if things get serious, and down the line things seems to not be spicy, y'all spice it up together or let it go. Okay?"

Jessica smiles and hugged Taz, as he put his shirt back on, she got up and waved bye and left. Taz blew out the candles, turned off the music player, grabbed his keys and went out to get Anestesie.

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