3. The Hospital Visit

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As the non-identical twins admired their surroundings, walking through the gates of the village, two guards at their stall spotted the familiar cloaked figure. “Hey, Sasuke!” one yelled, and the three turned to see the two guards running up at them. “Morning, Sasuke.” He greeted. “Welcome back. What brings you here so soon?” the other asked. “Urgent business.” Sasuke said bluntly. 

The guards chuckled sheepishly, “Always is, eh, Sasuke.” The first said. “Who are these guys?” the other asked. “Hi, I’m Ryuu Haurutsuki. The one I’m carrying is Miyuki Haurutsuki. And that’s my twin brother, Katsu.” Ryuu said politely. “Haurutsuki? Never heard of a clan like that before.” The first said. “I’m Izumo and this here is Kotetsu. Nice to meet you, Ryuu.” Izumo smiled. “Likewise.” Ryuu smiled. “These three need medical attention. Could you escort them to the hospital? I need to report back to the Hokage.” Sasuke said flatly. “Uhr, sure, Sasuke.” Izumo said, slightly surprised with being needed. “You take care of those three. I’ll keep watch, till you get back.” Kotetsu assured him. Izumo nodded gratefully. “Alright. I entrust them to you.” Sasuke said, and just like that, he flashed away, leaving Izumo to escort the baffled brothers and their unconscious sister.


“Huh? Frozen Shinobi?” Kakashi asked in disbelief from his desk in the Hokage Office. Sasuke nodded, “Yeah… My Rinnegan undone the jutsu somehow. I’m heading back to further investigate. I also have some questions for Orochimaru. It’ll all be in my report. Once I finish it, I’ll have it sent over. They’re in the hospital now.” Sasuke replied.

Kakashi nodded in understanding, “Alright. But are you sure you can’t stay? I’m sure Sakura and Naruto would appreciate you stopping by.” Kakashi suggested nonchalantly. “I don’t have time for that right now. If that will be all, I guess I’ll get going then.” Sasuke said, turning to walk out the door. Just as Sasuke opened it, Kakashi spoke up, “Sasuke. It was good to see you again.” Sasuke looked over he’s shoulder at Kakashi’s eyes-closed smile, and then looked back to the door and said, “By the way, they said they’re old friends of yours.” Then he walked out. “What? Old friends? Who could that be?” Kakashi frowned in curiosity and disbelief.

Back at the hospital, after a check-up, Sakura turned from Miyuki's hospital bed, to her worrying brothers, “She seems to have collapsed from chakra and physical exhaustion. Malnutrition too. A little bed rest, and a proper diet, and she’ll be fine.” She assured them. “Really? Oh man, what a relief. Thank you, nurse Sakura.” Ryuu said, sighing in relief. “It’s just like Sasuke said then.” Katsu added. “S-Sasuke?” Sakura stuttered, turning pink. “Nurse, if you don’t mind, I have a question.” Katsu stated. “S-sure. Sure. Why, anyone who knows Sasuke can ask me anything. I mean, don’t ask me anything, but sure, ask away.” She said, flustered with embarrassment. “Well, ever since we woke up from our coma, we haven’t been able to tap into our chakra reserves. I can’t even use my sensory abilities. Do you know why?” Katsu asked. Sakura calmed as she thought it over, “Hmm… From what you’ve told me so far, and what I gather on your sister, you don’t really have much chakra to begin with. Why don’t we get you to your room and wait for the test results to come in. You can explain the details to me there while your sister gets some rest.” She suggested. 

The brothers nodded, “Yes, please. Thank you.” Katsu said before putting down Miyuki’s red hood-scarf on a chair near the window. He had been clinging to it, knowing that’s where she’d want it later. And with that, they left Miyuki’s hospital room and moved on to their own in the male ward.

Sometime later, Kakashi strode into the hospital and asked the receptionist for the room of their new patients. The receptionist gave Kakashi the directions to the male ward with the brothers’ room number. Kakashi thanked the nurse, took out his Icha Icha book, and began strolling towards it while reading his book. As he continued down the hall, he turned into what he assumed was the ‘right’ hallway, getting lost in his Make Out Paradise novel. He stopped himself when he realized he had been walking for too long, and looked around. ‘These numbers don’t look right. Guess, I took a wrong turn back there...’ He concluded. He then turned around to go back the way he came when something in the open doorway of the room he turned at caught his eye. “Hmm?” he wondered, before turning his head up to peak into the room.

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