13. The New Path, is the Old Path

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When Miyuki finally neared the Hidden Mist Village, she was in a mood. Her Hidden Mist ANBU escort had been annoying her to no end. "Did you have to whistle all the way from the Water Country Border?" she frowned, stomping forward with uptight folded arms. "It keeps me from smoking." The ANBU replied before continuing to whistle. She gave him a curiously raised brow, "You're a smoker? Guess you can't smoke on the job." The ANBU clicked his tongue and winked back, "Bingo! You're a clever one, aren't you?" Miyuki rolled her eyes and continued on until she found herself captivated by her unfamiliar surroundings, "So much has changed..." She gasped out in nostalgia.

"Yep. At least on the surface level anyway. The Mizukage has plans to change the more troubled areas once the Land of Waves unites with the other countries." the red-haired Hidden Mist ANBU explained. "Amazing..." She was in awe of the newly renovated lower caste area. She continued to take it all in as they headed to the Mizukage's Mansion. She seemed like a child in a toy store, running up to anything colourful and admiring the world around her. The ANBU sighed, pulling her away from a bakery's window, "Seriously, I know it looks nice, but Lady Mei is expecting you... And I hope you aren't planning on hiding your face in front of her either. You'll need to take off that hood." The tall ANBU pointed out in slight concern. She had been hiding her eyes and nose beneath her hood since leaving the Hidden Leaf Village.

She huffed, upset with being taken away from her exploration, "I'll take it off when I reach the Mizukage." The ANBU with a spikey, mushroom haircut sighed again, "Why'd I get stuck with a woman who acts like a kid..." he whined. She scoffed and pulled out the hold he had on her upper arm, "Well, excuse you. I'll have you know I'm not as young as I look. Not that I'll show you how I look anyways." She stubbornly told him. The taller shinobi hummed, "I wonder what you're hiding under there." He said, peering in as he leaned closer to her hood, slowly about to take it off with his raised hand.

Miyuki instinctively backed up and whipped a needle to his neck, "I wouldn't come any closer if I were you." She darkly warned from beneath her hood. The redhead caught a twinkle in his eyes before quickly managing to twist her arm behind her back. He put his pocket-dagger at her neck, "And I wouldn't do that if I were you..." he whispered in a smirked tone near her ear. She struggled a bit as his grip tightly held her. He then let her go, allowing her to catch her breath. He smiled warmly through his eyes and reached out a hand, "The name's Senichi. Distant cousin of the Mizukage and the last male born of the Terumi Clan. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Haurutsuki. I do believe this is the most you've spoken since our meeting yesterday. And it's been fun." She looked down at his hand. She left it as is, and looked back up to him, "Aren't ANBU's supposed to stick to their code names?" she asked in slight irritation with him.

He deadpanned and retracted his hand to cover his eyes in embarrassment, "Whoops. Forgot about that." She deadpanned, her anger fading. "Are you serious?" she gasped out. "Sorry, I get distracted sometimes." He chuckled from under his mask. "By what?" she scoffed out disbelief.

Just then, they were interrupted. "You must be Miyuki Haurutsuki. It's nice to meet you. I'm Chojuro. I'll be escorting you to the Fifth Mizukage." He smiled before bowing. Her bafflement immediately turned into embarrassment, "Oh! Her body guard from the wedding! Where are my manners? It's an honour." She said before hastily bowing. "Well, that's a switch." The ANBU noted. She shot him a glare he couldn't see. "Thank you for bringing her, Captain. I'm sure Milady will be pleased. I'll take care of things from here." Chojuro said. With that, the ANBU bowed, "Of course. Anything for Milady, and you, Chojuro... Enjoy your stay here. It was definitely interesting to meet you, Miyuki Haurutsuki." She folded her arms and huffed away, "Likewise." He raised up and chuckled slightly under his breath before walking back the way he came. "Come on. Lady Mei can't wait to meet you."

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