24. Unspoken Words

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She looked so nervous when the music started. Her body language was awkward and tense. A part of me wished she would look at me so I could reassure her. Then again, I wasn't sure how. The other part of me wanted to grab her and run out of here... I spotted that guy of hers standing with the MC on the other side of the room. He looked as concerned as I was. I glared. To think she chose him over me. I couldn't hear, but I could make out that they were arguing as he was ushered off stage. I felt a wave of guilt and regret wash over me, 'What was I thinking? This is my fault.'

The music was low and consisted of a piano. It had this feminine sadness about it. She tried her best to even her breathing and then started to sing. I slowly lifted off the back of my seat. She wasn't singing like she did at the wedding. It wasn't cheerful or loving. It was deep and... honest. It drew me in like a confession she was sharing to the crowd. I was taken aback by the chorus. I remembered this song was about that guy. I glanced over to him and saw his folded arms slowly dropping, his eyes fixed with her. I had no idea what was going on in his mind, but it sure looked like he just received a surprise smack to the face. I turned my attention back to her only to see a different person. She was entranced by the piano and engulfed by the blueish hue. Her next lines about leaving because they were too different made me realise something. When she reached the bridge, her voice was powerful and full. The room was filled with a saddened aura. Her expression made it clear: The heaviness her feelings have been carrying. I wondered... Does she not love him? Will she never love him? It sounded like her heart just wasn't in it for the long run. The music began to quiet along with her soft, angelic voice, reaching its end. 'Miyuki... Why can't you see... We're the same.'


I raised my head to meet Senichi's as I sang the last line. "Oh oh, you're as safe as a mountain. But know that I am dynamite..." My expression became a blank stare. He stared back with a gapped mouth and hurt eyes. He deserved it after messing with my best friend. The room was quiet, and I could hear Guy sniffing from here, "That... Was the most amazingly sad song I have ever heard in my youth-filled life!" Guy declared. Everyone was startled, realising the song had ended moments ago. "Whoo! Go, Miyuki!" Kurenai jumped out her seat.  Kakashi seemed in a state, before he shook it off and clapped along. People began rising from their seats, clapping, and I looked over the room in surprise. As I scanned, my eyes met with Sen. Only this time, he had a quivering frown on his face. I blinked at him, 'Is he... about to cry?' I couldn't believe it.

Just then, he turned on his heel, and stormed out passed customers and headed for the club's exit doors. I felt myself go after him, when a hand suddenly snatched my wrist, and raised it into the air. "Wasn't that incredible!?" The MC declared. The crowd boomed in cheer. "Wait, I-" the MC cut me off, "Wow, you really gave that guy a run for his money. The Hokage's substitute is the victor!" They cheered louder. I was so stunned and confused and worried. I didn't mean to hurt him this way. I thought the music would speak to him, not humiliate him. Oddly enough, I was relieved it was over too. "Drinks on the house for the best performance of the night. Give it up one more time for... Miyuki!" The MC enthusiastically declared.

With that, I was escorted by a waiter off the stage, and the Jazz band resumed their more soulful sound while I slid into my seat.

"Uhm, drinks on me?" I told the gang, still feeling a little guilty. Kakashi took his seat beside me once again, and brushed my shoulder as he said, "You did great." It made me smile somehow, "Yes, well. Technically, you did." I reminded him. "Well, in that case, I guess I did do great." he coolly replied, and I gave him a playful smirk. Our friends interrupted our banter to continue praising and whaling over my performance. I sweat-dropped, "Heh-heh... Thanks guys. I didn't mean to make you cry though." I half-joked. "They're not the only ones." I shot Kakashi a glare for that comment. "What?" he innocently shrugged.

"Kakashi does have a point. Senichi ran for the hills once you finished your song." Kurenai explained, seeming slightly concerned. I shrugged, "He'll get over it. It's his own fault for baiting the Hokage." The others raised an eyebrow at me, "Anyway, come on. Let's have some fun with the free drinks I won, shall we?" I asked, changing the subject. They all eased up and nodded. Abruptly, Guy dramatically pointed a finger from across the table, "Kakashi! I challenge you to an all-you-can-drink sake contest." Kurenai blinked, and I burst out laughing, "What?" I blurted out. Kakashi sighed.

"Guy, I don't think that's such a good idea. Asuma isn't here to help me carry you both home like the last time you did this." Kurenai told him in concern. "Last time? There was a last time? Oh no, now I have to see this." I replied in a playful smirk. "The answer is no, Guy." Kakashi frankly stated. Guy's eyes flared with a will of fire, "KAKASHI! ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!" People were starting to stare. "Guy, calm down! Kakashi just say 'Yes' so we can get this over with!" Kurenai whisper-shouted. "No." He flatly replied. I playfully grabbed his arm, "Oh, come on, Kakashi. If push comes to shove, I'll walk you home. Please... Pretty please?" I asked, pouting and batting my eyelashes like a puppy. He sighed in defeat, "Fine." We all cheered and clapped in victory. All that was left was to flag the waiter and get us some sake.


It all happened so fast. One minute, the waiter was bringing ready-made cups filled with sake. The next, he was racing to bring more bottles to fill them. They gulped them down so quickly! My eyes would need to go into Keihatsu mode just to keep up! I couldn't even make out Kakashi lifting his mask to drink them all.

Guy wasn't looking too good. His face went from blushing in drunkenness to blue with nausea. We watched him in worry as he struggled to grab the next cup, missing it due to his double-vision. Kakashi seemed in an oddly relaxed state, slowly trying to reach his next cup. But we could tell he was trying to figure out which cup was real too. Guy managed to grab it first. They were even and going steady so far, but all seemed to go downhill in a split second! We watched intensely as he lifted it to his lips. He quivered from the nausea the scent of more alcohol brought him. Kakashi then grabbed his with a quick swoop but stopped. It was as if he was fighting for his arm to lift the cup. Guy laughed like a maniac before saying, "Looks like I win this time, Kakashi." he slurred smugly.

He then lifted his head back with the sake, but just as he tasted it on his lips, he shot forward and coughed it out again. Kurenai patted his back, "Looks like it's a tie, alright?" Then we heard a cup hit the table, "Looks like I win again, Guy." Kakashi slurred all smug. His cheeks were flushed red, I could tell even with his mask. Though he didn't seem as sick or nearly as far gone as Guy was. Kurenai and I blinked as we stared at the empty cup he slammed down. "He won." I realised. I looked up at Kurenai, "Kakashi won." Her eyes widened, "He won?" she asked. "He won." We both registered. "Lord Kakashi is the victor." The waiter declared, as he had overseen our little contest. "What!? Why you... I'll show you who won, waiter!" Guy slurred. He looked green with sickness, and red with drunkenness, all at once.

Kurenai jumped from her seat and put him into a neck lock to keep him from attacking the waiter, "Alright. Time I walk you home." She said as she struggled to contain him. "Easy, Guy. No need to be a sore loser." Kakashi taunted. I panicked and slammed my hand over his clothed mouth, "Shh! Don't make it worse." I pleaded. "I'll show all of y-!" Guy's threats were halted by Kurenai tightening the hold. He turned blue from the suffocation and Kakashi used this distraction to pull my hand away from his mouth, "Are you an angel, cause... you sure sing like one." He said, a goofy smile directed at me. My face shot up in surprise as I looked back at him. Then I giggled, "Okay, I'll walk you home... You sure you'll manage with Guy?" I asked Kurenai. She released Guy and he gasped for air before falling limply onto the table, feeling drained but still awake with dizziness. "Oh, I think I'll manage." She smiled knowingly.

We paid the cheque and went our separate ways after a hearty good bye. We both looked back at each other, laughing at the drunken men we call friends hanging over us.

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