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"you didn't tell us he tried to take his life." zach spoke from his place in jonah's house.

they were all hanging out at jonah's house, finishing up some music things. daniel sat in a rolley chair, jack sat on bean bag, and jonah was placed on the other side of the couch that was zach was seated at.

jack looked up from his phone, everyone following the action. a blush creeped on his cheeks from slight embarrasment, adjusting himself in his seat.

"he asked me not to. he said he didn't want people worrying about his problems. i didin't want to break his trust." jack spoke from his seat shyly, sinking from zach's burning gaze.

zach soon let out a sight, nodding his head as he leaned back on the couch. he couldn't tell what he was he was feeling, he just knew how devestated he would be if corbyn took his own life.

in the back of his mind, he couldn't admit the feeling, but he felt a slight pinch of jealously. he wanted corbyn to talk to him whenever he needed it.

sure he hadn't met the boy and he was technically just a fan who's account they all came across slowly, but they all developed a close connection with him. they all had occasionally conversations with him, texted him, commented on his posts and everything else.

but the thought scared him and the feelings slightly overwhelmed him.


corbyn sighed from his spot on his bed. he was tucked under his bed dovets, the soft texture soothing his cold legs. he held his phone shakily in his hands as his eyes glossed over, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

he was normally a happy person. but lately, a lot of things had been going down hill for him and it was hitting like a train.

his parents were getting a divorce, people at school had started to 'bully' him for his sexuallity, senior year had been kicking his butt, and he had been getting a lot more hate on his fan accounts.

it all just made him want to give up. and at a point he almost did. and he was thankful for jack facetiming him right before he did. he wouldn't have stopped without jack talking him out of it.

he didn't care the about the fact that he picked up the phone sobbing, a blade in his hands shakily, his arm slightly bleeding out from the cuts he had started; he was thankful for jack helping him through it.

and the worst part was, he just exposed it all. he didn't know what took over his brain in the moments but he just told the world about his problems. the 10,000 people who saw his comment.

all the blonde wanted to was curl up in a ball and never leave his room. but life wasn't that simple and he would have to come back to reality at a point in times.


[ short irl chapter 🥰 the boys are back 🧚🏽‍♀️ yay :)) much love -jayda<3. ]

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