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liked by disneymarais and 10,679 others...

herrons.cutie stop checking out my man dani 😠 also,,, thank u guys sm for 20k followers!! 🥺 it's unbelievable 🥺

view all 907 comments.

imzachherron my man?
--- herrons.cutie @imzachherron u know it

jonahmarais aye, never thought never thought i'd be holding your, hand
--- herrons.cutie @jonahmarias picking up, picking up, picking up my confidence
seaveydaniel @jonahmarais @herrons.cutie when your making those moves, aye, i don't know what to do, yeah

jackaverymusic u deserve every good thing that comes ur way 🥺
--- herrons.cutie @jackaverymusic i love u 🥺 <3

babybesson they're cute <3
--- herrons.cutie @babybesson omfg u have a fan acc for me 🥺🥺 i love u <33

zanielshugs zaniel 😩
--- jonahmarais @zanielshugs um- donah 🤠
----- imzachherron @zanielshugs um- zorbyn 🤠
------- herrons.cutie @imzachherron omfg zach u just said that -


[ hey 😺 i just walked home in the rain 😺 fun 😺 much love -jayda<3. ]

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