twenty eight

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liked by jonahmarais and 317,749 others...

seaveydaniel why u mad?

view all 13,119 comments.

jonahmarais damn baby-
--- seaveydaniel @jonahmarais i love u

herrons.cutie why u had to kill me like thAT-
--- seaveydaniel @herrons.cutie ;))

jackaverymusic 😫😍

imzachherron making me feel fat
--- corbynbesson @imzachherron wTF- no tf u not- u are the most beautiful person alive and ur body is amazing, never doubt urself or istg i will personally beat ur ass 😠
----- seaveydaniel @imzachherron ^^^
------- imzachherron @corbynbesson love u bean 🥺
--------- corbynbesson @imzachherron bean? that's new- i love 🥺

corbynbesson makin me swerve 😳
--- imzachherron @corbynbesson 😠😠

danielscookies hottie

wdw._.crack 👀🥵

disneymarais DAMN 👀


[ i hope you guys are proud of me because i'm going to try and update three books tomorrow :) also- random question, what color do you read your books? black? white? or tan? i read mine in black 🧚🏽‍♀️ much love -jayda <3. ]

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