twenty four

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zach's heart fluttered reading the comment. he found corbyn's love for him cute. but then again, he felt that same feeling that he couldn't make out.

in the back of his mind, he had an idea of what it the feeling might've been; but, it wasn't something he would have expected or would have assumed it to be it. i barely know the boy. he's cute and he seems to have an innocent and sweet personality and that's all i know.

zach was lowly experineced with the feeling. he felt it towards his family, some of his friends, and his bandmates. but this was different situation. in the way of a relationship was a different topic.

zach carefully stood up from the guest room bed, being mindful of the fact that jack was sleeping on the other side.

they were at jonah's house once again. they spent most of their time there but he was glad he was there at the moment. he needed to talk to jonah and daniel.

he took small and quiet steps out of the room, finding himself walking up the staircase and to the room at the first door on the right of the small hallway.

the brunette took a small breath, knocking on the door with slight force; signalling a question to come in.

"come in." zach heard the muffled voice of daniel, slowly turning the door knob to open the door and peak in.

he grimaced once he stepped inside, noticing the two boys shirtless with daniel's head on jonah's chest; the sheets messed up and the covers barely covering their bodies. i'm glad i didn't interupt and came after the fact. zach thought to himself.

"hey zach." daniel spoke sweetly with a small smile his fingers trailing against the elder's chest.

"hey." zach replied with his deep voice and a nervous smile. he decided to get straight to the point. "you and jonah love each other. right?" zach asked taking a seat on a desk chair that sat in the room.

"of course." daniel replied catching his boyfriend's eyes and leaning in to give him a light lingering kiss on the lips; smiling through the gesture.

"why?" daniel turned his head, his expression laced in confusion at the sudden of zach's question.

zach sighed, lifitng his chin to rest above his fingertips. "what's the feeling like? of loving or liking someone in a relationship way." zach responded, directiong his question towards the both of them. they were both great when it came ot advice.

daniel gave zach a longing stare, thinking about the question. the blonde turned his head towards jonah expectingly; awaiting to know what jonah thought.

"well, daniel gives me butterflies everytime i see him. i get happy just a the thought of him. it's a very strong feeling inside of me of deep romance. i would do anything for him." jonah gave a brief description, daniel cooeing at the admition of his boyfriend.

"i love you." daniel whispered his eyes fluttering."i love you more, angel." jonah replied, kissing his forehead.

"why do you ask?" jonah looked at zach who seemed to be staring at the ceiling, thinking of something intensly as his messy hair flopped on his forehead.

"i think i might love someone?" the hazeled eyed boy muttered out more of question. "but i doesn't make sense. i barely know him. we've never met and real life but we talk a lot and i feel those feelings, b-but... it just doesn't add up. how can i love someone i've never met?" zach spoke truly confused.

daniel cooed at his friend's confusion, already knowing how the boy was. "don't question your feelings, bro." daniel sighed. "i'm sure corbyn would feel the same way." daniel softly smiled.

the short boys' head jerked his eyes widening and his eyebrows furrowing. "how did you kno-"

"easy." daniel interrupted, pushing his body further into jonah's. zach decided not to go further into the situaition.

"but he's a fan." realization hit zach as his the thought came up in his head.

"don't label him. it's corbyn. he's corbyn. he is the same age as you and so happens to like your music. and you already know he likes you." daniel snickered. "in the end, it doesn't come down to the fact that he is a fan. it comes down to corbyn as person. it's corbyn. not a fan. just corbyn." daniel reassured.

the boy adjusted his sweatshirt sleves, letting the thoughts ring through his ears and process through his head. it's corbyn, not a fan; corbyn.

a soft smile finally began to grow along his lips, his eyes meeting daniel and jonah's.

"thank you for the advice." zach spoke genuinly happily with what he heard. "um, i let you guys continuing with your, um activities." zach finished quickly, grimiancing as the words came out of his mouth.

"mhm." zach heard danile hum as he was already practically atop of jonah again.

he scurried out of the room, shutting the door behind him. not something he wanted to see.

but that was the least of his problems. he was now focused on corbyn and only corbyn.


[kinda hate this :/ but okay 🧚🏽‍♀️😺 i'm omw to gymnastics so i'll reply to comments later 🥰 much love -jayda <3. ]

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