Break-up and Make-up Poe Dameron

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A lovely Anon asked for a Poe x Reader where they've broken up for some time, and get back together. So Nonnie, Here you go!

I yank at the restraints holding me in place aboard the First Order star destroyer, but it's no use. Catching my breath, I relax a bit, trying to soothe the sore muscles and bruises that cover my body. I hear rapidly approaching footsteps near my cell. A dark skinned man and a pale woman in First Order uniforms enter my cell. "Rose, we've got to go. We can't get caught, especially when this thing gets blown up." I turn my head to see the woman staring at me. "You. I've seen you before." Tossing my head back, I smirk at her. "You sure sweetheart? I've been here a few months, and I haven't seen you." She rolls her eyes and moves to remove my bonds. "No, I've seen you around the Rebellion. You were one of our pilots. Glad to see you again Y/N." Squinting at her, I search for who is rescuing me. "Rose? Wait... what are you doing out here? Your sister is going to kill you. You shouldn't be here." The man is impatiently checking the hall and finally says over his shoulder: "I'm happy for the reunion, I really am, but troopers will be here any minute. And we have to go." Once I gain freedom, I shakily stand on my own two feet. "Alright, I can fly. I just need a ship." The two share a look and just race down the hall as I follow best I can. We finally reach the hangar and by some miracle we make it on a ship and out of the First Order.

Flying to an old Rebel Base, Rose and Finn do their best to strike up conversation. "Y/N, it's been so long... How have you survived all this time?" Rose asks me, I had since given up the pilot seat to Finn and let my legs rest after the most use they had gotten in months. "I'm not sure. I heard that Poe had gotten out, and there was this girl... Kylo Ren was obsessed with her. He went through my mind dozens of times looking for her, but decided that she wasn't with the rebellion, or at least not with me. They wanted information, but I didn't give anything of value to them. Just made some stuff up about distant planets. I think I mentioned Batuu a couple times. But I'm not sure." Finn and Rose both perk up at Poes name. "Wait, Poe Dameron? Like the Rebel Space Pilot Poe Dameron?" I blink back tears at the memory, hurt and betrayal stinging the reopened wounds. "Yeah, we got taken at the same place, same time. But he didn't come back for me. I knew he was stubborn and mad at me, but I never thought that he would just leave me to the wolves like that. I guess he really didn't care." Finn once again turns back to me. "I'm the one who rescued Poe. If I would've known you were there too... He never mentioned..." Eyes downcast, he turns back to the inky blackness of space. I swallow down my emotions like I had since I had been taken, and left behind.

"It's not your fault Finn. How were you to know that I was there too? I assume you hadn't joined the rebellion prior to my "Disappearance". I was on Jakku with him. We got into a fight about something that seemed big at the time, but now... Now I can't even remember what we were so upset about. He told me that he didn't understand why the General even sent me along. That I was no help and didn't belong in the Rebellion. That night, he got the map and left. I had stayed behind to gather up my emotions before the long flight home, the last thing I had wanted was to prove him right. Kylo Ren and his army showed up. They took Poe, BB had escaped, and I hid. They searched the village, they killed innocents because we were there and didn't leave fast enough. They had ended up bartering to the village. The carnage would end if someone gave up the rebels and any information they knew. I came from a place like this. I had been one of the only ones to survive a raid like that one because my parents hid me away and refused to give up information. I had left my hiding spot and I yelled. Oh stars, I had never yelled so loudly and confidently in my life. I said to those heathens: "I am the one you want. Leave the village behind. I know about the Rebellion." I got loaded onto a ship and immediately I was placed in that cell. I waited for Poe to come and get me, since I would do the same for him. But then I got news of a stormtrooper going rogue and rescuing him, leaving me behind. I refused to give up any real information, but I gave them mixed up details."

Sooner than I thought we would be, I see the planet of Crait, and BB-8. I am suddenly filled with anxiety. What if he doesn't want to see me. What will he say? I leave the ship and am suddenly swept into the arms of the General herself. "We thought you were gone." She holds me close as possible, like a mother would her child. As she lets me go, I wipe my eyes to be greeted by Poe. I shrink in on myself, hearing the echoes of our fight. As I open my mouth to apologize, I am pulled in and enveloped by his warmth. I feel his hot tears soak through my hair. He kisses me over and over again mumbling nonsense the entire time. "I'm sorry for what I said and did on Jukku. I didn't mean to make you mad enough to leave me behind." He looks shocked at my admission. "What are you talking about? I didn't leave you. I thought you were dead. Kylo Ren showed me your death. I didn't come back for you because I didn't know there was a "You" to come back for. Y/N, I am so sorry. Please forgive me." Nodding my head, I smile at him. "Alright, where is my ship, I gotta kick some First Order ass." Poe kisses me one last time, smiling and saying: "That's my girl. Now and Forever."

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