The group had to wait a week before they started their plan to find the gold since the twins had to recover. John B was living with the Cameron's and SJ didn't feel so happy with it but she didn't feel like arguing with him again. She hated it. Her feelings towards John B grew and she didn't know whether to ignore her dad's 'death wish' or follow it. It seemed as though MJ had completely ignored so why shouldn't she. Kie still hated the fact that John B was living under the roof of her arch nemesis. "I still don't get it, why you are staying there?" she asked him as the 3 girls around him worked, "I agree with her." SJ said, "Okay, look, the only reason I'm living there is because her dad bailed me out alright?" John B sighed, "Hey where is Milly?" Kie's dad walked out, "I have no clue. Sorry." MJ replied whilst taking the empty cups from a customers table, "Cheese ball. There is a reason behind it." SJ said, "Like what, fishy?" "Think about it you were 'adopted' but what about me and MJ, huh? Why didn't he help us too?" she asked, the boy looked at her and pulled her into her which she gladly accepted. "Mr. B can we get off our shifts now?" MJ yelled to the kitchen, "Uhh sure." He replied, "I bet you he wasn't listening to that at all and when he comes out he will be like 'Hey why you off the job?'" MJ said, "Alright I bet you he won't say that." JJ smirked, "$10." "Bet." They shook hands. "Can you guys stop making bets about my dad, please? But I am letting you know now that I'm not doing anything with Sarah." Kie said, "Me too." MJ replied, "I second that. Also Milly says everything I says so, that basically means the same." SJ told them. "Do you guys see her here? No, right. Okay. A little focus would be fantastic. We've got the map, right?" John B looked at his friends his eyes lingering on SJ but looked away once she looked at him. "It's out of whack cause the guy was ganja'd when he drew it." JJ said, "It's cause the coast has changed. And sorry I am late!" Milly ran in, "Oh hey sailor girl, where have you been?" Pope asked, "Oh parents were all angry from said disappearance act I pulled at midsummers." She explained. "So we just have to look for land marks the haven't changed." Pope nodded, "What about the old forts?" "Battery Jasper." SJ said and pointed to the maps. They all went to leave and MJ heard JJ say, "You owe me $10—" "Hey what are you guys doing off shift? Is that you Milly, I see?" Kie's dad walked out and Milly ran out, the girl face her boyfriend, "Hand it over." She put her hand out and a $10 note was put in her hand, "I hate you." He said, "You love me." She pouted, "I do." That made her blush, "Are you kids betting on me?" Kie's dad asked angrily and they all ran out into the car and drove to the old forts.
"We're in battery right here. So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere NE of here." Milly said reading the map, "Somewhere over there." Kie pointed, "Right." Pope agreed. "AhHhHhHh!" they all looked over to JJ and MJ who were doing the titanic position on top of the stones, "Can you guys maybe shut up?" SJ asked, "sorry" they both apologised. "Wait over there? Guys, that's not Tannyhill that's a subdivision." JJ said, "Tannyhill plantation used to be the entire island. It got sold into smaller pieces over time." John B told them, "Alright so we are just looking for an old stone wall." Pope said, SJ was standing on the highest rock there was and turned around when she heard they were leaving, "Need help?" John B smirked, "Maybe." She replied, since he was tall enough he reached up and placed his hands on her waist and he lifted her down, she lost her footing whilst landing and the 2 fell making John B land over her, they were looking into each other's eyes and John B looked down to the girls lips, "You all though me and JJ were all PDA. John B seeing you like that with my sister makes me uncomfortable." MJ said to him and the 2 scrambled away from each other. They got into the car and Pope was in the passenger seat as John B drove the car, SJ was sitting in the seat behind John B and put her head on his shoulder whispering jokes into his ear every so often, Kie and Milly were looking on the online map they had up on their phones whilst MJ was sitting on JJ, once again both of them kissing each other lightly every so often. "Okay so the road should split up here." Pope directed, "Okay." "Alright you are gonna take a left." They took a left, "That looks like a stone wall to me." Milly said, "This is it." Pope said, "Not the Crain house." John B groaned, "Are you kidding me?" Kie walked up to the wall, "Worst case scenario." JJ said, "Why did it have to be here. Of all places?" SJ breathed out and John B placed his large hand into her small one making the butterflies in her stomach erupt once again. "I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husband's head on the property." JJ said, "Shut up." They all said. Walking in Kie said, "Look, you guys know whose house this is right?" "Oh yeah I do." JJ said, "Honestly, I don't really believe the stories of this place." John B said, "Shh." Pope hushed him, "I heard some stories. I used to scare SJ with them." MJ said, "What stories did you hear?" JJ asked his girlfriend. "The one where she killed her husband with an axe and that she has been holed up ever since. On certain nights when the moon is full... you can see her in the window." MJ told him, "No, babe, it not funny, cause it's all true." JJ told her, "Whaaa!" she wiggled her fingers in his face. "I swear to god guys, this is all real. I knew Hollis. Jeez!" JJ put his fists up to a statue, "Wow. So ScArY!" MJ laughed, "I don't like this. At all." SJ whispered to the boy holding her hand, "Hey. It's okay. I got you I promise." He smiled down to her gripping her hand in reassurance. "Wait you knew Hollis Crain?" Pope asked, "Yeah dude." "Dude, how do you know Hollis Crain?" Milly asked, "She was my babysitter, man. She told me all about it. Told me the truth about her mother and what happened at this house. So as a kid, she heard all the stories that her mother killed her father and... she was a murderer and all. Hollis didn't believe it. Until that night." JJ said, Kie was really scared and so was SJ, "This is all just a fantasy." Milly groaned. "Wait, what night?" John B asked, "It all came back to her. When Hollis was 6 years old, she heard her parents arguing downstairs. So she goes downstairs to see her mom washing her hands in a sink... full of blood. Her mother just says that she cut her finger. The next morning, she says her father and her split up. But Hollis notice something. Her mothing going into the parlor constantly, in and out and in and out with plastic bags. Weeks pass, and Hollis decides to use the outhouse. And as she is using it, she looks down, and there in the outhouse, is her father's head looking straight back at her." JJ said to them, "You are so full of shit." John B said as SJ death gripped his hands. "Dude I swear to god, man." JJ said, "Did she call the police?" Pope asked, "She didn't have time." John B carried on walking taking SJ with him, "Wait! Dude!" JJ stopped them, "What?" "You sure you wanna do this? She's an axe murderer. You got a cast on." JJ asked, "I don't give a shit if she's an axe murderer, okay? I got nothing to lose, right? You coming or what?" John B asked, "Actually you have some stuff to lose. Like a couple of limbs oh yeah, your head." MJ told him. As she followed John B, "Wait MJ you really going?" JJ asked, "Come on you big baby!" "I'm not a baby have you seen these muscles?" "What muscles?" "Th— are you blind?" "Oh, I think I see something, blondie." "Will you 2 shut up?" SJ turned to them. They all huddled in a circle and John told them the plan, "So here is the plan. We need to look for the wheat near the water like it said in Denmark's letter." "Okay, like what kind of water? Like, pond water?" Pope asked, "Bong water." JJ laughed, "No, it just said look for water okay?" John B said, "That's the shittiest secret message ever." Kie said, "I agree." Milly nodded and the 2 walked off, "You wanna complain a little more Kie? Milly? Nobody says it was going to be easy." They left, "I guess MJ and I will go this way." The twins walked away. "I'll search the northeast quadrant; you search the northwest." Pope told JJ, "Be careful babe!" he yelled to the girl, "I can't hear you!" she replied, "SJ. We are serious please be careful." John B stopped her and she smiled and nodded. They all carried on walking around until they somehow met all in the same spot, "Hey psst! Hey, come on. It's the only place we haven't looked." John B referred to the trap door. "Hey where J—" MJ was cut of by a blonde boy running out of the bushes, "found him." SJ muttered, "Here we go." John B walked in, followed by SJ, followed be Milly, followed by Pope, followed by Kie, followed by MJ who was followed by JJ. "I'm going to ruin my dress." Milly muttered.
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"I'm enjoying the view." JJ muttered from behind MJ, "I heard that." She told him, "What can I not compliment my girlfriend?" she didn't answer. "Down cam Mrs. Crain and cut off all out heads. Up came the sun and dried up all the blood." "Can you stop?" Pope looked back to JJ from where he stood, John B still had a grip on SJ's hand. They were all looking around and only saw creepy dolls and kids stuff, "See any water?" Kie asked. "Another dead end?" Milly questioned, "There isn't even water on the pipes." SJ said, "There's no water here." Pope said, "Not a dropamino." JJ said, "Know why we didn't find it?" "Bad karma." MJ answered Kie. "Oh here we go." John B said, "You know we had a good thing going. And then you decide to rope in Barbie and the trail's gone dry. Coincidence? Probably not." Kie said, "This is why I didn't tell you about Sarah. She would have been there and then gone." "Yeah?" "yeah." "What the hell is the deal with you 2?" "Nothing." "nothing? Is it because she kissed me? Is that the problem?" John B asked only to get slapped back, "Oh!" Pope said, "Oh shit!" JJ gasped, "Hit him!" MJ cheered. SJ stepped away laughing, "Stop treating me like a piece of shit instead of your best friend who is trying to look out for you." Kie said, "Did you uh... hit me?" John B asked, "Skeeter." "Skeeter?" "Yeah you see it?" "yeah." He then slapped her, "Yeah that's not right man." Milly said, "Oh I haven't seen a slap fight in years." MJ laughed, "I agree with Kie. I don't trust her. Like at all." SJ stood by her sister. "Oh hey!" JJ was surprised by his actions. "Guys cut this out." MJ walked over to John B, "Oh stop with the protectiveness." John B said to her, "Excuse me?" "You hold SJ back from everything and why do you hate her being around me? Is it because I kissed her?" John B asked and MJ slapped him, "No because you kissed Sarah Cameron." "I didn't kiss her. She. Kissed. Me." John B slapped her back, "Woah, okay, okay, nobody slaps my girl." JJ pulled MJ back, "Stop. No cut it out." SJ pulled them apart, "These things are a fricking swarm!" Pope swatted all the mosquitos. "Keep it down." JJ said, "Why are there so many mosquitoes in a basement?" Milly asked, "I know. Seriously. Tiny vampire bats just leave us alone. Oh my gosh! Can we leave? I'm already itching to leave." JJ joked, "ha-ha. Punny." MJ laughed, they all looked to Pope when he began to bang around and everyone tried to shut him up. "Help me move this." He said to them and they all nodded. What had they just found?