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"Right you're all probably wondering why I made us come to a fancy restaurant for this instead of getting pissed at my mums house." Matty started off, everyone nodding as they sat in the Chinese buffet that wasn't super fancy, but by their standards was the epitome of class.
"Spit it out!" Ross called which made everyone laugh.

Matty shook his head but carried on, "You know I had that meeting with that Jamie man after we played for him the other week?" he asked everyone, again they nodded in response as they remembered him mentioning someone wanting to see if they were good enough for a record deal.
"Well he wants to sign us, we've got a record deal." he smiled, the happiest everyone had ever seen him.
George was the first to get excited, standing up and hugging his friend, "No way." he exclaimed, a bright grin creeping onto his face.

Ross and Hann soon realising that they actually had a record deal. "Oh My God." Hann exclaimed, Rebecca jumping up to hug him. Elizabeth remained seated but still clapping for them - realising the scene they had created and attention drawn to themselves in the corner of the restaurant.
"We're going to release an album?" Ross was in disbelief, Elizabeth finally standing when she saw him looking around at everyone to give him a friendly hug.

Matty nodded at his friend, pride all over his face. "So I said we'd talk about it in proper detail in a couple of days and he invited us down to London to talk about it." They all nodded but barely took notice as they kept congratulating each other in disbelief. Everyone made their way around the table to hug everyone and talk about it, George hesitating when coming to Elizabeth.
Instead of immediately going in for a hug she patted him on the arm and smiled a genuine smile at him. "Look at you, Mr Record deal."
He smiled and nodded, "How mental's that?"
"Don't forget me when you're famous eh G?" he chuckled at her words and rolled his eyes. Putting their feud aside for a moment to hug his old friend. "Couldn't forget you if I tried Elizabeth."

Once they calmed down slightly they dug into more food from the buffet. "Shall we get some more drinks in?" Matty called which made Elizabeth laugh.
"We're not in a pub love, I know you're happy but let's keep it orderly in here."
Rebecca laughed at her sister but had to agree, "Pub later or do we go buy drinks at get shit-faced at Mattys?"
"Shit faced at Mattys like the good old days." Ross declared and everyone agreed, tucking into their food and drinking a mature glass of wine rather than the shots that Matty had in mind.

They sat in the Tesco carpark and debated who was going in to buy the drinks. "I can't be arsed, I'm too baked." Matty complained, pushing George to the side of the car door and wanting him to get out.
"Oh fucking hell why's it taken this long? I'll go in - come on Ross." Elizabeth pulled her friend out of the car and they headed inside. "I love that boy and I'm proud of you all and everything but God he's insufferable sometimes." Elizabeth joked about Matty and Ross laughed at her.
"Tell me about it, only gets worse when he gets too baked for his own good."

They turned around to the sound of their names being shouted, George running up to them. "I got kicked out of the car for arguing with Matty." They both rolled their eyes at him and continued walking in.
"What were you arguing about?" Ross asked, having a slight idea about what it could be - the girl they were both stood with. She turned to look at them both and waited for an answer but he just shook his head.
"Nothing important, let's go get these drinks then." he bounded through the store to the back where the alcohol isles were, dodging the elderly women and families with far too many children who were doing their weekly shop.

"Does he ever remind you of a dog?" Elizabeth laughed at Ross's question but nodded.
"He seems like a Labrador."
"No, definitely Golden Retreiver." Elizabeth was offended at his proposition.
Shaking her head she disagreed profusely. "Absolutely not they're my favourite dog breed."
Ross laughed at her childishness, "What so just because you don't like him, he can't be a dog breed because it's your favourite one."

She nodded, "Exactly that."
George was already in the isle placing various bottles into the basket.
He looked over to them with a raised eyebrow, "What were you two slowcoaches talking about?"
Elizabeth was about to dismiss him but Ross spoke up, "What breed you'd be if you were a dog, obviously a Golden Retreiver." She shook her head at him, about to start their mini argument again.
"For the last time he is not a Golden Retreiver."
George laughed at them, "I'd consider myself a Pitbull."
Then it was Ross' turn to cackle, "Pitbull? You're not bulky or aggressive enough to be a Pitbull."
"They're loving dogs Ross, just good defenders of their owners and I think I'm that." he laughed and put more drinks into his basket.
"For the record I said Labrador." Elizabeth added, strongly believing her answer was the only correct one.

George thought for a second and shrugged, "I'm not against that, might be too short to be me."
Ross laughed and Elizabeth took it upon herself to make fun of him, "Ohh look at me I'm George and I'm six foot four."
Ross laughed even harder and patted her on the back, "Good one."
"Don't be bitter because all five foot five of you hasn't grown since we were fifteen and you still can't reach the top shelf."
She took that as a challenge, "I can reach the top shelf perfectly fine thank you very much." She walked over to find a bottle of Malibu rum on the top shelf and only slightly went on her tip toes to retrieve it and didn't knock anything off. "See." She jokingly curtseyed and put the bottle in the now nearly over filled basket.

"There was a struggle there, let's hurry up and pay though so we don't have Matty annoyed at us." Ross started walking in the direction of tills while both Elizabeth and George groaned at the thought of their annoyed friend. "You two literally couldn't be more alike." the pair both grimaced at the thought, though they got on better now, they wouldn't consider each other friends - especially not after what happened in the hotel room a few months ago.

"Gross." George teased which earned him nothing but a slap on the arm.
She sighed and once finishing putting the drinks on the conveyor belt she turned to her friends. "Right I'm going to wait in the car if you two are going to be insufferable."
"What did I do?" Ross asked and she didn't have an answer.
She turned to George, "Fine, if you're going to be insufferable. In a bit lads." She directed the words to the taller boy, adding emphasis to the 'you' in 'you're'. 

Ross laughed but George just sighed, something he finds himself doing constantly when in her presence. "If you two just made up-" he started.
"Yes I fucking know Ross, I tried to make up that time I was forced to baby sit her when she was drunk, but she was just horny and tried to get me to fuck her."
Ross was shocked by his revealings, "What and you said no, isn't that like your dream?"
George shook his head, "She was drunk and I didn't feel like forgiving her and just jumping straight back into her bed you know."
Ross nodded amicably, "I'm impressed, George Daniel being the better person eh? Who'd have thought."
After a moment of silence Ross spoke again, "Maybe if you tried to make up when you were both sober it would work a bit better?"

George couldn't deny that they would probably make up again and go back to how they were, but part of George didn't want to have that conversation as he knew it would come down to him having to confront his feelings. "I know that'd be easier but it just doesn't seem like the right time."
He chuckled, "George it's been years, if it's not the right time soon you'll never speak to each other again. Thanks." he directed the last part to the cashier and they walked out of the store ready to celebrate the bands successes.

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