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Elizabeth walked down the stairs of her sister's apartment, greeted by Rebecca and Josh. She placed herself down on a seat at her kitchen table and sighed with her head in her hands. "You two heard everything didn't you?"
They gave two saddened nods back at her, looking sympathetic.
"He was gone when I woke up." The tone of Elizabeth's voice faltered but she managed not to cry.

Rebecca went over to her, wrapping her arms around her younger sister in a comforting embrace to try and soothe her emotions. "I know darling." she sighed into her hair.
Once Rebecca let go she moved to sit in the opposite chair.
"Did he say anything to you?" Elizabeth asked her. 
"Just a goodbye." Josh chimed in, sending another disappointed smile at his soon to be sister-in-law. Elizabeth chuckled at that, shaking her head.
"Well I think that was him breaking up with me."

The both of them tutted, "Pretty cowardly way to do it if you ask me." Josh added once again, earning a glare from Rebecca which was his signal to leave the room.
He walked out with an apology and a kiss on Elizabeth's head to try and help her feel better, though it didn't help very much.

Elizabeth sat in thought, biting her nail as the conversation distantly replayed in her head. Rebecca could tell she was getting deep into her own head, "He had no right to say all that shit he said to you, you know that right?" Although all she was trying to do was help, Elizabeth did not take well to sympathy and she hated this whole situation. 
All she could do was nod sadly, "I know, I can't imagine this was all about me going to work for the boys though. I bet it was a long time coming and this was his scapegoat."

A cup of tea was placed on the table in front of her, "Do you really think so?" Rebecca quizzed, from her eyes they were getting on fine each time she had seen them together. The first time especially, Rebecca even said that the man looked at Elizabeth like he worshipped the ground she walked on. 
There was a brief moment of thought, "I think so, we'd never argue that badly but now I look back at it I don't think he was as into us as I thought he was. It seemed a bit, performative." 

Elizabeth sighed at her own omission, drinking the tea. "Maybe from now on you need to stop dating boys from the industry, male models have egos the size of The Shard." Rebecca laughed at her own joke slightly, referencing the tallest building in London.
Elizabeth didn't laugh, she gave a deadpanned look to her sister, looking very unamused. "You're probably right, it just sucks he made me feel bad for doing something he'd jump at the chance to go and do."

"He's just some dickhead boy who was obviously too immature to handle a proper relationship - not saying he faked it the whole time - but he probably liked that he could get discounted headshots." Rebecca's revelation made sense but it didn't stop the hurt she felt.
She was almost certainly correct in her thinkings. They used to see each other a decent amount, but in recent times it had become more and more work focused. He'd call her and ask to do a few new shots after getting his hair done, or invite her to an event and network the whole time. 

"Okay you're definitely right. I'm just not enjoying this theme of my exes calling me a slag every time they end things with me." Elizabeth confessed, thinking back to the night George was shouting at her in the street. 
Rebecca almost dropped the plate she was scrubbing in the sink. "Who else called you a slag?" she practically screamed, not knowing who she had to mentally curse now. From what she had heard, the break up with Tyler a few years ago was very healthy and they still speak if they see each other. To her knowledge there were no more 'exes' that her sister had. 

"Well, George obviously." Elizabeth was surprised her older sister had forgotten about that night all those years ago, her first heartbreak at the age of eighteen. No matter how hard she tried she was never able to get rid of that sinking feeling in her heart when she mentioned it. Full of remorse, pain and anger; not just at George but at herself for acting so immaturely. 
Rebecca craned her neck to look at her sister, completely ignoring her previous chore that now sat in the sink, "Oh, so he is an ex now?" 

After the break up Elizabeth was so quick to deny what it was, a break up. She would constantly insist they were 'just friends' when everyone else knew that they were more.

An exasperated sigh left her lips, "Please shut up, you knew what I mean't."
Her fingers pinched between her brow as she was embracing herself for an avalanche of words from her older sister.
"No I didn't, this is like the first time you've called it what it was and I'm honestly impressed but also really shocked." Rebecca's words were tamer than Elizabeth thought they would be, she was expecting a lecture, but she was met with a calm and collected response. "Anyway I would never kick you when you're down."

"Well thank you very much." Elizabeth sarcastically replied, finishing off the last of her cup of tea. She found herself sitting and staring out of the window, thinking back to the times she had with Charlie that were now tainted by his actions. All the 'I love you's shared between them seemed fake now. 
Rebecca felt sorry for her sister, she knew how it felt to have your heartbroken, but she wasn't a natural comforter.

"Do you want another cuppa?" she felt was the safest option to offer her in an attempt to soothe her mood.
Elizabeth chuckled, puffing air out of her mouth. "I think I need something stronger."
"There's the Elizabeth I know and love." 

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