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Monday the second of September, Twenty Thirteen. A date that had been drilled into the girls heads in high anticipation for their friends album release. However now, due to the actions of one Mr Adam Hann, it was a bittersweet release date. Elizabeth longed to be with her friends and listen to the album with them as one final hurrah before their next world tour. 
However their friendship was now essentially over. Though Elizabeth had no reason to dislike the rest of the boys, nor did Rebecca really, they both felt like it would be wrong to continue speaking to them after the break up.

"You ready to listen?" Elizabeth asked with a deep sigh, Rebecca nodding and embracing herself as her sister hit play on the album. A vaguely familiar beat played that they recognised from their promo on the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; all forms of social media the Collins sisters had unfollowed them on since Adam felt like ruining things. 

Both of them had tears in their eyes as they listened, not really sure what to say.
"Look at us, what absolute saddos." Rebecca laughed, as they gripped each others hands in anticipation for each song - though they already knew a large chunk of them - their feelings were all over the place.
They sung along to 'The City' even though it pained them. "At least you didn't date Matty, would be a lot harder to listen to if it was the singer." Elizabeth laughed, the thought of her sister going out with Matthew becoming funnier the more she dwelled on it. 

The intro to 'M.O.N.E.Y' caught Elizabeths attention.
"This is a George song." Rebecca stated, knowing what he was into musically and hearing his influence. Elizabeth nodded in agreement.
"Oh one hundred percent, I can practically picture myself walking into his room and hearing this back in like Two thousand and eight." 
Rebecca gave her a suggestive eyebrow,
"Walking into his bedroom." she teased her younger sibling on her old antics of fooling around with George while they were young and hormonal. 

Elizabeth didn't hesitate to pull the pillow from behind her and hit her sister with it; earning a disgruntled response from Rebecca.
"Oh stop it, I'll spill my wine."

Both of them were cut off by the intro to 'Chocolate' playing, neither one of them sure if they should listen to it. Especially because of the mention of Rebecca. What was once her favourite song had been ruined for her now that she couldn't think of the band without associating it with heartbreak. 

"Skip it." she decided, not really thinking much about her choice and opting to drink instead of talk about reasons why. Elizabeth respected that and changed the song over to 'Sex'.
"This one still remains a masterpiece." Rebecca stated, not even her hurt feelings able to ruin her feelings towards it. 
Elizabeth listened to it more before a thought dawned on her. "Did we ever find out who Matty was singing about?"
Rebecca's mouth flew open in shock and disappointment.
"I just remembered, we used to pester him like every single day and he refused." She continued, annoyed at her past self for not being more driven in her enquiry. 

"Fuck I completely forgot that we never found out. I'd love to know." Rebecca wanted to know more gossip about it, wracking her brain for any potential candidates. 
Elizabeth chuckled, "The way George spoke about Matty in the back of that van when they worked for the Chinese, it could be one of hundred of girls."
"Do tell." 
Her eyes went wide as she realised she never told her sister any of the stories she would hear nightly from George. "Even though it was Mattys job, he'd just bring constant girls around in the back of the van with him and have sex, while George was the poor sod giving out noodles and shit."

Her hands flung to cover her chest as she laughed and then awed. "That is such a George thing to do, bless him." Elizabeth nodded, thinking back to the times they spent together and zoning out for a little bit. 

"I wonder if any songs were about you, I know Adam was never really the song writer but he could've found a passion on the road when they were making it?" The way Rebecca's laugh echoed through the lounge was unheard of. She shook her head and took a while to regain her composure. 
"Oh Elizabeth, honey," she had to stop herself from laughing again, "Adam does not have a way with words. He tried writing me a song once but-" she sighed once more, holding back tears from laughing so hard, "The man should just stick to his guitar."

Elizabeth accepted that and nodded, listening to an instrumental.
"Another George song there." Rebecca pointed out, speaking of 'An Encounter'
"I know I said Adam doesn't have a way with words, but George just expresses himself through songs and instruments doesn't he. Always was a bit of a weird one like that." 

The last comment earned her a slight hit on the wrist, "Oi, don't be rude." She told her off.
"But you're right, I used to sit on his bed while he just played sounds over and over and made them sound pretty and it blew my mind."
Rebecca nodded at her sister, appreciating that George was the brains in the group. "You know maybe some of them were about you? George had a bigger say than Adam and he had a fair go at writing." 

"Why on Earth would George be writing songs about me?" Elizabeth chuckled, still in denial that they were ever once in love. 
"Oh darling, you're still so oblivious that he was completely in love with you?" Rebecca chuckled slightly, pitying her sister and her inability to face emotions. 

All the younger sibling did was groan, "You're starting to sound like your ex."
Rebecca was very confused, "What the fuck does that mean?"
Elizabeth sighed once again, hands flopping to the sofa as she hit it in frustration.
"He tried to convince me to apologise right after we fell out, telling me George loved me but I didn't believe it for a second." 

"God you're so stubborn-" she started under her breath. "He also said that." 
Rebecca took her sisters hands, looking at her intensely eye to eye.
"I know you're never going to believe me, but sister to sister I am telling you. George was in love with you." 

Elizabeth hated hearing those words, it was only more difficult for her to hear coming from her sisters mouth. The girl she was closest to in life who also found it impossible to lie to her, so in some way she knew it was true. 
"Whatever you say." she dismissed with an eye roll, the only way she knew how to handle her emotions.

They went back to listening to the album, dancing to the likes of 'Menswear' and 'Pressure' which was played for them a while back. Though the band weren't exactly their favourite people in the world right now, they couldn't deny they made very good songs. 

Upon finishing the album they'd made themselves comfortable with going to sleep on the sofa, Elizabeth cuddled into her older sibling. The pair had been silent for a while, Rebecca even assumed she was asleep but a tear gently rolled down her cheek.

"Becks?" she sniffled, barely speaking as she was scared to make her thoughts known to the world. "Yeah?" 

"Did I make a mistake by letting George go? Was I an idiot back then?" 

Rebecca instantly moved to comfort her sister, pulling her into a gentle hug. "Oh darling, you did what was right for you at the time. Go to sleep yeah?" she stroked her hair gently, trying to calm her down, while she sobbed into her chest until she eventually dozed off, leaving all throughts of the boy behind. 

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