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During the early morning Elizabeth had snuck back in the house. She was weary of any visitors who may have spent the night in bed with Liliana so she locked herself in her room as soon as she was back. She had sent some emails back and forth to do with her passport details and travel information, as well as finalising her current projects with the studio before she could leave for good. 

A while later she heard voices in the hall and the front door shutting, signalling whoever Liliana had brought home finally left. She opened the door, standing with her hip flush to the frame and smirking at her friend. "Was he fit?" Her voice made Liliana jump, not realising she was home. 
Her shocked face turned into a grin as she hugged the flatmate she hadn't technically seen since last year. "Very fit, and it was the third time we've gone out together." 

Elizabeth looked shocked, "So he's more than a one night stand? You're evolving." she cheered, excited for her friend to find herself a man at long last.
Liliana laughed, swatting her chest, "Leave off, now tell me how was your new years?"
A long sigh left her lips, "I think we're going to need something to drink for this."
Liliana protested, her head still sore from the previous night's antics.

"Well I'm still getting something, becuase this isn't a fun story to tell while sober." she poured herself a glass of wine, not caring that it was barely noon. 

Liliana questioned this behaviour, detecting something was wrong. "What happened that has turned you to day drinking on weekdays? This is very much not your style."
All Elizabeth could do was laugh, or she was sure she'd cry.

"Charlie broke up with me." she said outright, in the most plain and simple voice she could.
"What the fuck!" Liliana screeched, ready to get outraged at his actions. "You're joking me? What an arsehole." 

Though it wasn't exactly comforting, Elizabeth appreciated her reaction. "I told him about the job with the band and he went off on one, tried saying I was trying to leave him and then basically called me a slag. So my New Year is off to a great start." she smiled sarcastically, watching Liliana's face drop with every word. Her fists clenched and she knew her friend was about to go into full defensive mode.
"How fucking sly of him," her face scrunched up, "You treated him so nicely, you did so much for him and you get the job of your dreams and he reacts like that? He cannot be serious." she gasped. 

A petty nod came from Elizabeth, pursing her lips before taking another swig of wine.
"Tell me about it. I think he just saw this as a way out, must've been wanting to dump me for a while." Though her face said she was unbothered, inside she was irate.
Liliana wasn't having it, she didn't want to see anybody disrespect her friend. Her head was shaking rapidly, "I cannot believe that, that prick." 

"Have you unfollowed him yet." Liliana asked, deadly serious, which earned a laugh from the heartbroken girl.
She shook her head, "Unless he's already blocked me, he didn't even stick around until the morning to properly end things." she chuckled slightly, finding it ironic that he was the one with an issue, but didn't even care to attempt to resolve it.
Liliana reached for the phone, "I'm unfollowing him for you, might also go through and leave negative reviews on any of his modelling pages." 

Her idea earned an evil laugh from Elizabeth, thinking of all the things she could do to tarnish his career but not being petty enough. "I won't say no, but I won't be doing that personally." Elizabeth confessed, it would only reflect badly on her in the long run to look like the petty ex-girlfriend.
After a brief silence that was filled by Liliana unfollowing Charlie on all accounts, as well as blocking his number, Elizabeth thought out loud; "Did you think anything was wrong the last time you saw us? We were last together with you at the mini-gathering we had for Christmas and we were fine right?" 

After a moment of thought Liliana nodded her head. "I didn't think anything was wrong, the pair of you looked quite loved up the whole time."
Elizabeth nodded, glad that nobody had spotted signs they were going wrong before she had. "You can't blame yourself for his actions, he's obviously just insecure if he started trying to slut shame you for absolutely no reason." the words Liliana spoke were nothing short of factual. 
Elizabeth nodded, "I said this to Rebecca but, I'm getting really sick of the men I date calling me sluts when they break up with me." 

The other girls brows furrowed, "Who do I have to go mad at now?" Elizabeth forgot she was yet to explain the situation with George to her. 
She sighed and took another swig of the wine, "You're in for a treat. I can't remember how much I did or didn't say but it's about George. We made that casual sex situation deal. Then the sex became just random kisses and we overstepped from friends into a couple." 
Liliana pursed her lips, recalling the information from when she was briefly told at the shoot and nodding for Elizabeth to continue.
"Well I didn't realise we'd become an unofficial couple, looking back I don't know how I was so oblivious. Anyway at a party I kissed this boy and we got into bed but we did nothing, but George found us." a sigh left her lips, regretting the actions of that night.

"We got into a big fight, he was rightfully hurt and I was a bitch. Then we had a screaming match on the street, he called me a slut because of what I'd done and we're yet to properly make up." Her head fell into her hands as she recounted the events, running her fingers through her hair. 
Liliana let out a nose laugh, "I still can't believe you had all that in you, you we're adventurous as a teen - high five." she lightened the mood with her jokes, cheering Elizabeth up. She gladly high fived her friend. "But seriously, fuck all men. We don't need them." 

"Cheers to that." she held her wine glass up to the glass of water Liliana had opted for, continuing to drink her sorrows away. 

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