Story number 9: increasing food

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Abdur-Rahmān b. Abi Bakr رضي الله عنهما reports: "We were 130 people with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and he said to us, 'Does any one of you have food with them?' One man had about a sâ' of food, and so that was mixed. Then a tall pagan man with disheveled hair came by driving some sheep. The Prophet said to him, 'Selling or gifting?' He said, 'No, selling.' He purchased a sheep from him and it was cooked, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ordered that the liver be roasted [as well]. By Allah, there was not a single person from the 130 except that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) cut for him a piece of its liver; those who were present were given, and those absent were stowed for. It was made into two dishes which they all ate from, and we had our fill, and [yet] the two dishes remained and we loaded them onto a camel."

Another story of food increasing:

Abu Talḥa said, "O Um Sulaym, the Messenger of Allah prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has come, accompanied by the people, and we have nothing to feed them." She said, "Allah and His Messenger know best." Upon arrival, the Messenger of Allah prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "O Um Sulaym, what do you have?" She presented that same bread, which the Prophet took and shredded, and then Um Sulaym emptied her jar of shortening (butter) over it as a condiment. The Messenger of Allah prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then supplicated over it for however long he wished before saying, "Permit for ten [to enter]." They were permitted entrance and ate to their fill before leaving. Then he said, "Permit for ten." They too were permitted entrance and ate to their fill before leaving. Then he said, "Permit for ten." Everyone ate in this fashion, until they all had their fill, and they were seventy or eighty men in total.

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