getting adopted?

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It had been 3 months since the incident with Lily and wade.

Gabby had also Been going to therapy for a while and the nightmares had started to subside.

For the first time in  life her all she felt was happiness.

"Wow this is weird said gabby" as her and Amy stood outside the courthouse.

"What is? asked Amy.

"I'm officially an orphan now ". said gabby.

How do you feel about that?" asked Amy.

I don't know. gabby admitted unsure.

"That's okay " said Amy reassuring her .

An hour later.

Ty and Luke walked into the house.

"Hey guys how did it go ?Ty asked .

"Pretty good " said Amy smiling.

"Hey gabby you look happy today " said Luke smiling .

"Thanks Luke i am" said gabby smiling.

"Do you want to go hang out in the treehouse "? asked Luke.

"Sure let's go said gabby "smiling.

45 minutes later in the treehouse.
"So are you like an orphan now or something " asked Luke.

"Yep" said gabby smiling.
"You're happy about it "asked Luke confused by gabby's cheerful tone.

"No I'm just happy to be rid of chad" said gabby .

"I'm really going to miss this place" said gabby with a hint of sadness on her face .

"Who says you have to leave" ?asked Luke .

"This isn't a permanent issue I in my own in and and and and in game was a would be gabby.

"Have you ever thought about asking Amy and Ty to adopt you? "asked Luke.

"I would love that but I'm kind of scare²rd to ask "admitted gabby.

"Why "? Asked Luke.

"What if they don't want me " asked gabby in a sad tone

" they do" said Luke .

"You don't know that" said gabby.

"Yes I do" said Luke .

"Come on gabby it's obvious" said Luke.

"But "said gabby unsure.

"But what "? Asked Luke.

"Amy always says she doesn't want anymore kids" said gabby.

"That's just Amy's way of saying she doesn't want to to be pregnant again" said Luke.

"But then why wouldn't she just say that" asked gabby..

"Because Ty would be sad" said Luke letting one tear lone tear run down

This made both Gabby and Luke burst out laughing

" okay I'll ask them" said gabby.

" okay let me know how it goes " Saint Luke.

Later that night after dinner.

Amy and Gabby we're doing the dishes together.

" Gabby are you okay sweetheart" ? Asked Amy.

" yeah I'm fine why "? Asked Gabby.

" you just seemed a little off at dinner tonight " said Amy.

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