Dragon Entries

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Gold Fish Bowl - this is where the Authors of all Books finished are dropped into the

Gold Fish Bowl if the Books are written about our Countries or written about Space

Nuchenbauchen and written by a person living in the Gold Fish Bowl of Laodica.  

This means to hand the Book to a Pie and the Pie Fish Hook takes it as it moves

into the Pyramid and the Pyramid puts it on the shelf to look at lattah.  This means

to literally hand the Book to the Pyramid as in Shoe and St. Thames Street Havelah.

The Book disappears inside of the Pyramid and the Pie takes over and examines it.

So the Author drops the finished book into a Gold Fish Bowl set out in the Foyer

of the Church set aside for this.  Always remember whence in a FIG to drop a 

farthing into the Argoyle Gold Fish Bowl.   

Pratts Loan Officer Whig - a Loan Pratts Officer sits a top a Horse and a Mule PEVY Officer

of a Roan Officer Phipps.  This Officer counts all Star Ships or Scar Ships that are coming

in closer to Land or a Ship.  A King can be this and he is now on loan from Space Masqued

Empires and he also counts the Ships and Scar Gorilla Ships that come closer to the Globe.

Antichrist Oil - Star Belts - this Oil is very important as Ships need it to travel Whig fast 

through a Star Belt.  A Star Belt is similar to a Beltway on a Planet as it swerves around 

and it gets you fast to the next Star Intercessor.  The first Antichrist Star Oil was set

aside and hid in a large Space Pyramid that suspended and floated up in Space 

Pyramids and it's Diameter of the Star Systems Shoe nearby.  This means major

Federal Eccles Keys Dinasaur used to be able to have usage of this Oil.  This Antichrist

Oil belonged to Scar Ship Lucifer.  Space finally forced Illegal Scar Lucifer to hand

over his Antichrist OIl.  Year latter and closer to Saul's Sol War with Jesus,

another Floating Pyramid appeared and this became discovered that it also

belonged to Scar Witch Lucifer.  This was nearer to the White Throne Judgement

Seat of Christ.  This Jesus was not the Lord God and he worked for Angels and

Masqued EMpires up near the years 2020 aged Angel of years Earth President

Trump years and Saga Witch.  

Edward Scissorhands - both evil and good sides use this term.  It means for the Evil JAPs

a way for them to pop in as Mary Poppins and they come in faster and faster and then in

a swarm called the Angel Glitter Fish.  A Glittering Angel is only the Evil JAPS Witch Doctor

in Space and their Military Aged Evil Angel Planes.  

Argoyles - has different meanings.  An Argoyle mostly used here are the Argoyles on a 

PEVY Dreadnaught Navy Ship at Lampaugh Space Sea and this Argoyle is a ghost from

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