Candlestick Rome I
Year Witch Stevens and Roans (Giant Butterflies) Send down Pick Wick Chimneys
Cold Year Space for Butterfly Room Camp David Pavillion Mt.
Planet Ursula IV Compartment*
A cold Dragon Witch wind knocked loudly on Space Doors of Sixth Pence Wool
of 4th Star Butterfly Reunion Dragon Anamathema for Dragon Wings of 1st Day Daly Italy on
Apple Bee Unison where the Hard Oil Boats t'were in Nipod of 3rd Galaxy Shoes of
Elvira Space near a Py Pyramid Space Building Synagog Dragon Shoes up in Space Rooms.
This War Oh Susannah Entitlement for the Sun gods Earth Cattle Re-Entry Pre War Jews 'tis
to be sent Post Livery Haste and Hasting Pudding to the Mountains of Camp David. This
Pavillion Mt and Army Horse Phipps of god Ivanhoe Oceans is of Ivanhoe Space Oceans at the
Base of this large Pippingstaff Mountain. The Ivory Sea gods of the gods and Big Horse Ships
and Bees Zoom towards this Mt. Zooma. This Mountain 'tis full of Army Brats and Hedgehog
Military Sea Planes that seem to float above the Atmosphere of this large Wolf Seagull Camp
David. All Scarlett Letti's are sent there and some Lettis sent beyond the Grave Hypocrite.
Some of the Swiss Army Lettis arrive Post Haste from Military's that died and moved down
below their Coffins to sit and write the Letti's of what they found on their Planet whilst
they t'were once alive. These Scarlett Lettis of the Sea Horse gods are calleth Sea Horse
Lettis and Whig for Gatlensburgh. It costs a half shilling by the silver ounce to send
a Sea Horse Letti back in Teim for something pre-written by the gods. Gatlensburgh means
a ghoost wrote the Letti. So the Liverpoole Horse Industry Star Stamp costs a half a
shilling and Sea Horse Miss Havisham. A Horse here means a Star Ship and it's smaller
Roans. A Roan 'tis anything that the Ole' Grandmerries mark or write in their Bibles for
Holy Advent Angels and Saga Sea Horse. A Roan means that it 'tis marked and held onto
by a Star Ship and it's roaring Saga Seas and it's Bible to Circumference these lashing out
Sea Waves of great Horses. If ye' have lived up in these Seas of Space Canaveral and the ghost
fires of them that can'st (can) leap up, then ye' are never frightened of them in a Sea Voyage.
If ye' have never lived on the Seas of the Earths Seas and it's powerful Oceans thence
ye' still won't be frightened of them as ye' live up in Space Oceans. Also 1st Heads
are to be sent all Copies of this Rams Head and proof of Future Earth's Existence in
Dragon Stairs
Научная фантастикаThis story follows a route back in Dragon Witch Time of when Heaven has barely begun in this Dragon Whig of Earth's Towers of Rome Space Baeo Wolf and Dragon Space Stairs. It starts out in a beginning of when Time in Capsule starts up all over agai...