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Third person POV
Ella Lynn is a normal 11 year old girl, like nothing in her life was unusual. She has a twin brother called Ethan and they aren't the best of friends but they still love each other, her mother, Olive, is quite young and is now 27. She was a teen mum having Ella and Ethan at the age of 16, the twins never knew their father as he walked out on her as soon as he found out the news. He tried to walk back into their lives two years ago saying that he was a young boy and didn't know what he was doing but Olive wasn't having any of it. She sent him away not wanting to listen to his excuses., no mater how sorry he was, in Olives eyes he was the man who walked out on her and their two newborn babies.

The Lynns have always lived in a three bedroom apartment and it was quite spacious. Ella's room was a mint green colour with posters everywhere. She had a dressing table and a big mirror on the back of the door. Instead of having a light Ella always insisted on using fairy lights instead so that's what they did. Ethan's room was a dark blue room and he had decorated his walls with neon lights saying a bunch of different quotes and pictures. The twins shared a bathroom that connected the two rooms together, and Olives' bedroom was on the floor above them. It was a cream colour with peach furniture, it had a feature wall of a huge bookcase as she had always loved to read. The kitchen was black and white with an island in it and the living room was neutral with two large windows that let the sun shine through. The room was covered in plants and the house never got dirty as Olive was cleaning every spare chance she got.

She worked as a interior designer and completely loved her job, going round People's houses and giving them there full potential was just the best feeling for her. Out of the twins Ella was the oldest but had the mental age of a five year old, she was never popular as she always kept to herself not feeling the desperate need to have friends. Ethan however, was the exact opposite. He always acted much older then he was and had loads of friends, always shouting and laughing with each other. Even though it was a small family they had everything they needed and that was enough.

Alright then! First chapter done, the reason why the Brockmans haven't been introduced yet is cause I wanted the reader to get to know the Lynn family instead of rushing to get on with the plot. So in a way this is a teaser chapter, although however next chapter I can promise that Jake will be coming into the story :)
Btw always feel free to give me any suggestions about making my writing better as I alway love to hear ways to improve ~ Rose

Word count: 518

Jake Brockman x Oc/ outnumberedWhere stories live. Discover now