The dead mouse

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Living with the Brockmans was definitely an experience to say the least. Now instead of having nice and relaxed mornings it was very hectic. Like this morning for example Ben wouldn't stop going on about his election and Sue was also dropping of Karen's friend Alexa but we were supposed to leave 10 minutes ago. Although something else was on my mind. Jake had kinda drifted. I mean sure he's allowed to have other friends but normally he would always be with me and now he had a new friend called Jo who' do I put this? Dead annoying really. She's got this sort of claim on him so now she won't even let us hang around each other when she's around.

I was in the kitchen waiting to go when Jake came in from answering the door. "Not Jane. Two men delivering a shelving unit." He told sue. " The one I waited in for yesterday. Can you get can you get them to put it in the sitting room, please?" She asked. " no, they've gone. They put it in the hall." She walked out and came in complaining that it was flatpack. " oh, it's flatpack! They didn't say anything on their website about it being flatpack." " is some furniture not flatpack?" I asked. But she ignored me and called for Karen. " what's up with the suit, dad? Are you up in front of another disciplinary panel?" Jake questioned Pete. "No, it's Jonty's funeral." Well that's sad. Then Ben walked in asking a question. " what happens at a funeral?" He said. " well, eh, when someone dies, all their friends get together and I say goodbye to them." Sue tried to explain. " wouldn't it be better if the friends said goodbye before the person died?" Ben asked another stupid question. " well, ideally, yes..." but then she realised that Ben still didn't have his shoes on. "Ben! Shoes!" And he ran off.

Now we were all back home and guess who's over...Jo. The only good thing is that Sue doesn't seem to li,e her very much. We were all sitting on the table doing homework and when I say all off us I mean me sitting on the other side of the table in silence. We are in the same class doing the same bloody homework so it's just stupid and because Jake has made a new friend I'm all alone again in school. "Jake, sweetheart." Sue caught my attention " could you do me a favour and go get the screwdriver, you know the one in the cupboard upstairs?" She finished. "Okay" He said and left. Great now it was just me and Jo, talk about awkward. " so, Joe, it's great that Jake has a friend who is a girl... Apart from Ella... As well as all his friends who are boys." She was just smiling and nodding. I mean when I first met sue we had a lovely conversation. This is why I'm better then her! " cause a lot of boys his age just her boys as friends... Until they get girls as friends who are girlfriends..." haha I didn't have to get this torture...I just have natural charm that makes people trust me. " but that's usually when they're a lot older, isn't it?" She continued. " yeah, that's true." Jo replied and in walked Jake. He bent down and gave Sue the screw driver and even though he thought me and Jo couldn't hear him we did because he whispered "never call me sweetheart." " oh, not that one, the one with the different heads." And he walked off again not before muttering god. At that point I decided to leave this awkwardness and go play with Karen and Ben. Pathetic I know but it's all I've got.

I walked in mid conversation and heard Karen talking about Gordon Brown "- Gordon Brown says a swearword on telly, there is a man behind him with a big machine that puts a beep over it." "What's going on here?" I asked. "Ben said saying beep was babyish. "Karen answered. " you've got it all wrong. One, it's Gordon Ramsay not Gordon Brown, and two, he has a beeper in his pocket. So when he's going to say a swearword, he hit his pocket and it makes a beep inside it." Ohhhh I get it. "Well no guys...they put it in afterwards." I tried to explain but they weren't listening. Great now everyone's ignoring me. " yeah, but sometimes,... When he swears, he goes," and she started waving her hands around "you baby! And his arms wave in the air really wildly." Then In came Pete shouting hello to us.

Me, Jake, Jo and Pete were outside having a penalty football match and surprise surprise Jake won, I won and Jo won. That just proves that when you get older you get wiser Football. Anyways we came in and Jake was chanting "your crap, and you know you are. Your crap, and you know you are." " yep. Yes, yes... Alright, enough." He tried to calm him down. I stayed in the kitchen while Jake and Jo walked off. " that was very sweet of you." Sue said. "Sorry? Pete asked. " to let Jake win in front of Jo." She replied "oh... well, you know..." he was trying to act casual. " it was really sweet of you to let the girls win, as well." She carried on. Wait what?! "Ummm excuse me, but I won fair and square." I exclaimed. But then in walked Jo. " Pete, Sue,... Thank you very much, but I better be heading home now." Yeah you know where the door is. " well, you can stay for tea if you like." Oh god no! " oh, no, I promised my lot I'd cook. But thanks, anyway." Oh of course she bloody cooks. "So his first crush eh... always thought he liked you ella...obviously not..." sue said. Yeah okay that stung a bit but oh well. "Yeah..." Pete seemed timid. "What?" She asked. " maybe batting a bit out of his league." He continued. Wait what? "What do you mean?" I asked. " well, you know, clever, sporty, pretty, plays clarinet for England." And then I walked off I mean I hear enough of this from jake let alone Pete.

Well Jake was talking to me again... It's annoying really. He won't talk to me when Jo is around. but all of a sudden she's gone and I am ever so interesting. But we started listening to Sues and Petes conversation and I caught the end of sue saying foul- smelling sweat. " well, some girls find that kind of shyness endearing. I'm not so much of a sweat, but... Oh."  What's up with him. " how was the funeral?" Sue asked. " pretty grim. Did you know Jonty was planning on having a year off, travel around the world? Then, wallop. Oh, bugger it, let's not cancel that holiday." Yes that's right they were planning on taking us on holiday and us...including me! " Will get deeper in the hole." Sue started " The whole country is in debt." He replied all of a sudden Jake butted in. "are we in a lot of money trouble, then?" They both said no at the same time. So, how long have you two been listening?" Pete asked us. " since really foul smelling sweat." I replied. " zach's mum and dad have money trouble. They had to sell the house and move to Swansea" Jake stated. "Oh, I'm sorry, we didn't mean to alarm you. We just... maybe we should talk to the kids about it... Treat you like grown-ups." Sue said "good idea." Pete said but then in walked Karen.

"Murderer!" She screamed pointing a finger to Sue. "What?" Sue asked. " you murdered a mouse and now it's in a trap in the laundry room!" Oh god here we go. " I thought you were going to sort it." She said to Pete. "Sorry." He murmured. "Murderer!" Karen shouted again. " why are you blaming me?" She asked but Pete cut her off. " you can't have mice in the house, can you" "why not?" She sounded sad. " well because they're dirty, and they smell." He stated. " so does Ben." She argued. " but they poo everywhere." He tried. "So does Ben." She argued back. But then in ran Ben also shouting. " that's not fair! I had diarrhoea." Well I'm glad I missed that. And then he ran back out. " but you got it on that man's shoes." She continued. " yeah, they probably should have toilets on the millennium wheel. God, what a long half hour that was." Pete said. "Anyway, Karen, it's nearly teatime. Come and help me set the table. You did a fantastic job last time." She cut in obviously wanting this conversation to finish as much as I did. " no, you're a mouse killer." Wow she wasn't letting this go and then she ran off stomping. "Karen!" Sue shouted after her but she was gone.

A/n : sorry about the crappy ending but I have to prepare for school. I don't know when the next chapter with be up because I have a busy week sadly 😓 ~ rose

Word count: 1531

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