The special bowl

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Ella's POV

It had been about a week and a half since I met Jake and the Brockmans were already like a second family to Me, I was over there almost everyday and today was one of their hectic days. Ben also had a friend over called Deion and the three younger ones were eating dinner where as me and jake were getting on with homework. Sue and the kids were playing a game calling sue the worst thing they could think of but because they were all quite young the worst thing they could come up with were things like; you're a big slimy oven glove and your germs from a fly. Sue had to put a stop to the game when they started talking about poo and diarrhoea, which wasn't the nicest thing to listen to.

S: " I know let's play fortunately unfortunately! I'll start, fortunately the Sun was shining."
B: " unfortunately I don't like burgers."
S: " you said you like burgers!"
B: "when did I say that?"
S: "when you wouldn't eat your fish. I mean, what do you like?"
B: "pudding!"
S: " yeah but you can't just eat puddings!"
B: " you can if you're a vegetarian."
S: " vegetarians eat up all their vegetables. The clue is in the word."
K: " this isn't my bowl!"
S: " it is your bold. Special bowl special cup special spoon!" It went on like this until Sues grandad called.

S: "Jake speak to your grandad for a minute please."
J: "hi no you only have to say I live with you if anyone from my school comes round, except for ella. Oh Ella's my friend grandad." When he said this I gave him a funny look, why was he speaking about me?
J: "yes, yes she's a! No it's not like that!" We both started laughing. I would never see jake that that! I mean he's my best friend!
J: "Yeah no, I'm at big school now...mmm, no it's Jake. Mhm sure...alright...mum he wants to know when Auntie Angela's back?"
S: "don't we all." Apparently Angela was Jakes aunt who always dropped by unexpectedly from America to say hello, and every time she had a new boyfriend, this one was called Trent.

Sue carried on talking to frank, who's bens grandad, while me and jake started talking about homework until Pete walked in the kitchen. He said he was late home because a meeting and then tried to walk of but sue stopped him by saying that it was a family meal and they had to eat together.

Then Deion started telling all these lies about his dad which I thought was quite amusing. The boys finished their dinner and ran off while sue was telling Karen to finish her dinner which she responded by saying she didn't like it and it wasn't in her special bowl. Then me and jake finished out homework and were about to go into the living room to watch tv when Pete started a conversation with us. He asked Jake how school was but he just shrugged. I think it's cause the bullying got worse, they always find a way to make us upset but me and jake had done a good job with our parents not finding out.

P: "make any new friends?"
J: "I have Ella."
P: "alright then, Ella how was your day?"
E: "it was alright."
And with that we walked into the living room and watched a David Attenborough documentary.
30 minutes later

Me and jake were sitting in the kitchen talking/ watching a tv show when Pete came in.
P: "it's tough starting secondary school, eh, guys? I was erm...I was thinking about when I started secondary school. There were a couple of boys who picked on me." Wow he doesn't want to let this go I thought.
J: "yeah cause you were effeminate." Hahahaha haha
P: "No, not cause I was.."
J: "Dad, what's all this about being a racist?
E: "Oh I heard about that! I mean my mum doesn't believe you are one though..."
P: "what? What did you guys hear that?"
J: "Well Susan Bentleys brother goes to your school, and he reckons your in trouble for being a racist or something."
E: "and my mums knows Elizebeth mores mum, she goes to your school, and I over heard their phone conversation last night... don't worry, my mum was telling her you wasn't!"
P: "look, some stupid parent has made some stupid complaint, but that absolutely does not make me a racist, okay, guys?"
E: "okay."
J: "I mean you do shout at Ainsley Harriott rather a lot, when he's on the tv."
P: "everyone does that. I shout at Vanessa Feltz, Trinny and Susannah, Davina McCall, Huw Edwards. It does not make me a racist! If anyone is a racist, it's is the parent who's bringing this stupid complaint." Then in walked Sue...

"Jake, Ella do you think you ought to go and finish your homework?"
J: "do I have to?"
E: "oh come on J, I'll help you okay?" And with that we walked up the stairs and into his room.

J: "mum didn't know."
E: "she didn't know what?"
J: "she didn't know that a complaint was made...she didn't even know he said it."
E: "oh god...he's in for a telling off. Anyways let's start on that homework yeah?"
J: "No, Ella don't make me do this!"
E: "oh come on! It'll be over before you know it."

We did his homework for an hour and then we went into the living room and Karen wanted to play a game with us. Since I was in her house I agreed and then she said something that shocked me and jake.

K: "I'm worried about bullying."
E: "why are you worried about bullying Karen?"
K: "I pushed Macy."
J: "oh, your worried your a bully?"
E: "how many times did you push Macy?"
K: "once."
J: "then what happened?"
K: "she pushed me back and then we played a game of spy dudes."
E: "what's spy dudes?"
K: "it's where you have to follow a teacher around, without them noticing, and erm find out things about their life."
E: "did you find anything out?"
K: "mm I found out that one of the teachers had ga- gout."
J: "what's gout?"
K: "I'm not that sure." This kid was honestly so adorable that I wanted her to be my sister and Jake could have Ethan.

While me and jake were mucking around guess who showed up. Angela. "Oh god here we go," mumbled Jake, "come on El we don't want to miss this!" And then we walked down stairs. A/n: a means Angela btw:)

A: "now Jake th- oh. Who's this?"
E: "I'm Ella nice to meet you. I'm friends with jake."
A: "oh sweetheart if I knew you would of been here I would of gotten you something to! Are you Irish by any chance?"
E: "oh uh yeah. Yeah I am."
A: "I've been there. Beautiful. Anyways Jake this is for you." She handed him a green pack and he smiled at her. It wasn't a true smile though I could tell it looked a bit forced. Then in came Karen and she got a dream catcher.
A: "look it's a dream catcher. Isn't it beautiful? It's made by the native Americans, and it catches your dreams and keeps them safe forever."
K: "I had a dream about weasels eating me last night, and I don't want that one again."
A: "well no, it wouldn't keep a dream like that, it only keeps the nice ones."
K: "how does it know which ones are the good dreams and which ones are the bad dreams?"
A: "that's a very good question. It knows which are the good dreams, cause it can see you smiling in your sleep."
K: "what if your smiling but it's a bad dream?"
A: "erm..."
K: "and it catches that one and you have it again?"
A: "it's more magical then that..."
k: "how does it-"
P: "say thank you Karen."
K: "thank you." And with that she ran away. That was rather amusing to watch. Then the adults started having a grown up conversation and I thought it be best to go.

"Bye Sue, bye Pete thanks for having me!" I shouted and was told I was always welcome and then Karen and Ben ran down the stairs and gave me a a huge hug. You see I've come quite close with them and now they call me the sister they never had which was adorable. I gave Jake a goodbye and shouted see you tomorrow Brockmans cause knowing me... I probably would.

A/n I honestly can't believe I fit a half an hour episode into this chapter...I know these are quite long and I'm sorry if they are boring but I just like adding in the speech. I know this is a Jake Brockman story but I feel like it's best to have ella and Jake really close friends first as they are so young still. Anyway next chapter will be out tomorrow~ rose

Word count: 1545

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