The brockmans house

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During lunch I was sat by myself eating a chocolate spread sandwich until I felt a presence beside me, and when I looked up I was surprised to see it was Jake. "Do you mind If I sit here." He asked. "No not at all, it might be nice to have some company anyway." I said and continued to eat my sandwich. "So your Irish, am I right?" He tried to start up the conversation A/N I'm going to change the speech format to make it easier to write.
E: " yeah I moved here three years ago but I still go down there on the holidays to see my family"
J "what's it like?"
E: "well I lived in a big house at the side of a lake and in the woods, it was actually quite Beautiful. My family's huge, I have 10 cousins and 5 aunts and 3 uncles. It's only me, my mum and my brother here in London so it's definitely a change."
J: "I'd love that. I've been stuck here all my life, it's not that great to be honest."
E: "okay then, forget about London. What's your family like?"
J: "oh they're crazy, can't go anywhere with them. My younger sister Karen always asks a bunch of questions, she's 5. And then there is my younger brother Ben, whose 7, and doesn't stop talking. My parents are really annoying and are always losing things, like this morning my mum lost the car keys!"
E: "no way! So did mine! I swear parents are useless!"
A/n: back to normal now.

We both laughed at that until one of the boys came up to us. "Aww now I see why you said no to my friendship invite. Your dating Brockman! Hey look everyone! Brockman's
dating the Irish freak!" Wait what? Firstly I'm not dating Jake, secondly I'm to young to be dating anyway, and thirdly how does being Irish make me a freak! Both of us didn't want to start any drama so we just kept out heads down and he kept taunting us. Me and jake completely ignored him so he got bored and eventually left us alone. "I knew you shouldn't of become my friend cause now he's going to bully you too!" Jake whispered. "So? I don't care, you seem nice and I'm not going to let some big , fat bully stop us from being friends!" I whispered back. "You know what? Your family seems cool, can I meet them?" I asked. "Y-you want to meet my f-family?" What so wrong with his family I thought. "Well yeah, why not." I said casually. "Well I mean they're a bit much and I don't think you'll like them." "I think I'll love them!" "You want to come over after school?" "Well I mean we'd have to check with our parents but yeah."

We both texted our parents and they all said yes, so now it was the end of the day and me and Jake were walking to his house. At lunch Jake made me promise to not say anything to them about the bullies and I agreed cause I didn't want to tell my mum either. It would just make her try to sort it out so I thought it would just make things worse for me and jake. As we walked into the house Sue , Jake's mum, was already there with jakes two younger siblings. A/n I'm going to change the reading style again so B means Ben K means Karen S means Sue and like last time E and J mean Ella and jake
S: "hi you must be Ella?"
E: "Thats me, nice to meet you Mrs Brockman."
S: "Oh call me Sue, Mrs Brockman makes me feel old"
I then met Ben, he came in from the garden covered from head to toe in mud.
E: "hi? You must be Ben?"
B: "hey! Who are you?"
E: "Ella. Umm can I ask why you are covered in mud?"
B: "oh I was playing with Karen's Barbies and drowning then in the mud."
He then walked of but I still heard Sue shout,
S: "oh for goodness sake Ben! How many times do I have to tell you to stop coming into the house covered in mud!"
Then In came a cute 5 year old who I knew was Karen.
K: "hello, what's your name? Are you from Jakes new school? Do you watch little Britain?"
E: " umm I'm Ella, yes I'm from Jakes school and no I haven't watched little Britain."
K: "why do you sound weird?"
J: "KAREN! You can't just ask someone why they sound weird!"
K: "why not! I mean it's better then not knowing and then going around sounding weird isn't it! Like if I sounded strange I would want someone to tell me so I could fix it!"
E: "Well you see Karen, I'm from a place called Ireland so I have an Irish accent that I can't change."
K: "oh. Alright then"
And with that she skipped off.

It was about half an hour later when Jakes dad got home. Me and jake we're sharing his ear phones and on his computer doing homework while Sue was sitting on the stairs on the phone, when Peter walked into the kitchen. He walked in saying "Yo dude" with his hand up in the air.
J: "Don't say that."
P: "who's this then?"
E: "Oh hi Mr Brockman my names Ella, Jakes new friend."
P: "oh alright then, how was your first day at school?"
J: "alright."
P: "how's your form teacher?"
J: "alright."
P: "You and Ella in the same form then?"
J: "Yeah"
P: "Good, glad we sorted all that out." He said sarcastically. Then sue walked in
S: "Hiya. Everything okay?"
P: "Yep. These two have been talking my ears off about their first day of school! Yack yack yack yack yack!" Wow he was really sarcastic. Me and jake shared a glance and he rolled his eyes while I tried to hide my giggle. They then started talking about Sues ill dad until we heard Karen shout, "mum!" And Sue had to go and comb through her hair for nits. And then Pete tried to spark a conversation out of me and Jake.
P: "ah the old what I did on holidays competition eh? Don't think our English department do that. They don't think the year 7s can spell cars yet."
E: "you work at a secondary school Mr Brockman?"
P: "yes, umm I suppose it's for special kids. Actually Jake, do you think your teachers want to hear about our wind mirror, well you know, eventual lack of wind mirror incident?"
J: "why not? I mean that's what we did in the holidays isn't it."
P: "yes but it's not exactly road rage is it?"
J: "Well there was a road, and there was rage wasn't there."
P: "yes but I don't think I want people to know about that Jake. You wouldn't want me to put lots of story's up about you on YouTube would you?"
J: "you wouldn't know how to do that." I giggled at that. This was a seriously funny family. I helped Jake with a couple more spellings and grammar mistakes until I had to go.
E: " bye Sue! Bye Pete"
S: "it was a pleasure having you sweet. Your allowed any time you want!"
P: "goodbye Ella, it was lovely meeting you!"
E: "thank you. Bye Ben, bye Karen!" I heard muffled goodbyes from them as they were upstairs and then I turned around and hugged Jake goodbye
E: "bye J, your family's wonderful!"
J: "bye El, I'll see you tomorrow?"
E: "definitely!" And with that I got into mums car and drove home

A/n I loveeee this chapter! I'm most probably going to use this speech format from not on as it's much easier as I'm going to try and get as many quotes from the tv show in as possible! There will definitely be a chapter up tomorrow and maybe another today I don't know it depends how I feel. Like I said I'm happy with this chapter and it's quite long so that's a bonus!

Word count: 1382

Jake Brockman x Oc/ outnumberedWhere stories live. Discover now