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Are you busy?

Jeno exhaled as he sent the text. They never really texted—or done anything through technology, really—but now seemed like an appropriate time to see if they could talk in peace.

Not that I know of

The officer decided not to tell the reason why. He didn't know how else to explain the reason other than by saying 'we need to talk,' which was for sure not a smart choice. No doubt that statement would get Jaemin all worked up and then their talk could escalate.

He drove over to the younger's house, reciting everything he was going to say over and over in his mind. How was he going to just walk in and be like 'hey, I know I took some girl's number but I promise I didn't mean anything by it, I just didn't want to hurt her feelings' while sounding both sincere and sane?

Oh well, as long as the message got across.

When he arrived, he went through the same process of speaking to whichever maid opened the door and speed walking up to Jaemin's bedroom. He knocked softly, twisting the doorknob and going inside before he even got an answer.

Immediately, the officer froze when the now blue-haired boy jumped up with wide eyes from where he had been preparing a few lines to no doubt be ingested soon.

"Are you..."

"High? No, not yet," the younger chuckled as if what he just got caught doing was no big deal. "What are you doing here? You didn't even tell me you were coming," he continued, moving to take a seat on his half-made bed.

"First of all, if you're going to do that," the officer began, motioning to the powder lined up on the nightstand, "You should at least lock the door. I could've been anyone, you know. Anyway, I came here to talk to you about something."

The teen hummed, signaling Jeno to get on with whatever he had to say. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous about what the other male was about to bring up, especially considering what he just walked in on. Every thought that had been consuming his mind for days reignited, and he wished nothing more than to shut it off. There wasn't even any room anymore for optimistic thoughts—which had manifested itself over the past several days.

"A friend of mine informed me that you might've been a little upset because I took that waitress' number," the older said carefully, trying to perfectly craft his words in order to properly convey what he wanted to say. "I promise I didn't mean anything by it. I threw it away later that night. The only reason I didn't just leave it is because I didn't want to hurt her feelings," he insisted, making intense eye contact to depict how unfeigned the words he was saying really were.

The blue-haired boy sat there for a moment, simply drinking in everything that had just been said to him. How did he know what Jeno was saying was true? He could easily be lying. As much as he wanted to believe the words, his insecurities made it ridiculously difficult to do so. Curse Jeno for being so fucking kind-hearted.

"You don't believe me," the black-haired male mumbled, quite disappointed that his word alone wasn't enough to convince his lover that he wasn't a dick. "Here," he proclaimed, unlocking his phone before marching over to the bed and handing it to Jaemin.

Hesitantly, the boy took the phone. He felt terrible for doing this, but if it would give him some peace of mind, then so be it. He looked through the recent calls and messages, thankfully finding no trace of any woman other than family members. Finally, he did a quick scroll through his contacts just to make sure Jeno hadn't just deleted the recent communications—but once again, there was nothing suspicious.

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