I opened my eyes slowly, my body obviously had enough rest as I felt much more energy than usual. I was laying down on a bed.
I got up from the bed and looked around. It seems familiar. A sudden drop of water fell on my hand as soon as I got up and I looked up at the ceiling but there was no leak nor water drops falling. Not so long after, the drops were falling contionusly on my hand and realized that it was me, I was crying.
Why am I crying?
"Yume? (A dream?)" I said to myself.
"Īe, kioku (No, A Memory)" a voice responded.
It was Lune.
I hadn't notice he was there by the door the whole time. I just felt sad and in despair that I couldn't even feel surprised. I looked down and had to cry. I just had to. I didn't know what came to me but it hurts.
Lune got up closer to me and sat beside me. Then pats me on my head. He was still sitting fancy even when he comforts.
"Tada naku (just cry), don't try to understand for now, just cry"
Those words somehow gave me permission to free myself from thingking and just let my heart cry. I was crying endlessly as soon as he said those words. I didn't know why but I had to, I needed to. As I cry my heart's content. Lune was looking the other way, he was crossing his legs as he pats me on my head, his other arm was touching the bed where he faced his gaze, He looked professionally calm but it felt like he was feeling the same as me. Hurt.
Lune left me to give me some time to calm my whining because he said I looked like a baby. He surely insulted me in a good way.
My cat just insulted me. Well that's great.
After some time, my sobs stopped and I was finally calm. I washed my face and looked in the mirror.
I suddenly had deja vu, I think I remebered myself watching my face in this mirror. My body got goosebumps and I immediately dried up my face and left the room.
'Having deja vu in this place is much more scarier' I Shrugged as I was still creeped out by it. When I got out from the room, it was a big hallway with many unusual paintings. I was guessing that this was the kingdom I saw earlier on. The things were so fancy, from the ceiling to the walls and the floor.
"This place is more beautiful than I could ever be" I claimed.
I wonder who Haru is... He was surely close to me, I technically said 'I love you' to him... I shooked my head.
No.. nope.. that wasn't me. If it was then that was no longer me.
Lune and him were surely close.
I was thingking endlessly that I didn't notice there was someone walking. I accidentaly bumped at her and she cussed. I got terrified and apologized quickly.
"Hey! Watch it, do you wanna die--" She loudly said. She stopped as soon as she saw my face. It was like she couldn't believe it. Her angry expression turned into someone in a state of awe. She blinked multiple times and finally replied with a soft voice. I was still apologizing to her, I was at fault.
"Hontōni mōshiwakenai (I am so sorry) I was at fault. I should have watched where I was walk--" she interrupted my plea with her stares, I was creeped out by it. Her stares turned to color of joy, it was in so much glory and she smiled widely.
"You surely did grew up pretty, Risse" she said as she held my hand.
M-me? Pretty?
I blushed at the compliment. No one even cared if I was living or not back home. And now I'm being called pretty. My heart was flattering, and I just smiled back at the lady. She looks so...

A trip to Bessekai
SonstigesGoing back to the world of Cristallise, you find yourself with familiar faces and lack of memories. A journey back to the love you once fought for, but will that love fight for you this time? "Haru..."