Letter #28

23 17 2

Dear Matthew,

Knowing you, I know you STILL can't understand why, after a month of dating, I dumped you.

There are multiple reasons, but the main one hasn't been revealed... yet.

Even though I've explained it to you about FIFTEEN times, I'll explain once more, out of the love and the patience we all know I don't have.

The girls reading this might understand. Wait, that was awfully sexist. I just meant- *shutting up*.

*Ahem* Anyways.

I'd already decided I wanted us to last forever. So I took example of everyone else around me- childhood friends, then marriage, then forever.

I couldn't take the chance you'd lose interest if we stayed together... so I followed advice, hanging on in the strangest way possible.

Maybe you didn't see it.

But maybe you cared more about the title than the content.

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