chapter 6

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-the sun, the sea, and the host club!

If you feel like this please tell someone or message me and I'll talk to you.

-shouto POV-

I was walking into school keyword WAS until i was grabbed and pulled into a fucking limo same with haruhi i was thrown in i growled "YOU FUCKIMG MORONS I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH ME AGAIN!" i yell out as i sit up with haruhi's help while doing so she questions "where are we going?"
"The beach my darling haruhi!" I groan.

"BITCH DO I LOOK LIKE I GO OUTSIDE.E ESPECIALLY THE FUCKING BEACH!" i growl out scaring them and the turn pale white.
"S-sigharaka p-please c-alm down" tamaki says frightened i glear at him i move from him to haruhi.

I start to doze off my head lands on haruhi shoulder as i fall asleep.

-3rd POV-

As the sigharaka male fell asleep resting on haruhi she smiles not before noticing the small bags under his eyes recently and his neck has marks on his neck and realise his haor is messier then usual 'is he okay? His is home abusive?'

Two males gleared in jealously at the sleeping male two glear at the now sleeping female in jealously.

-time skip: AT THE BEACH!-

-shouto POV-

I got out of the limo and streatched amd yawned haruhi doing the same " the snow would be better nice cold and hot chocolate" i say to myself outloud "have you been to the snow shouto~senpai?"
"No i haven't tho it does sound nice" i say walking with her notcing the shocked looks
'is it cuase she called me my first name?'
Unknown to the two "males"  that the club is making plans to take them to the snow.

I see the girls "you have to be kidding me" haruhi goes "probally to male money knowing kyoya-senpai" i nod then kyoya goes on shit about why the girls are there.
Sit with haruhi with our guests
"Why aren't yous in swimmers and in the water?" Haruhi starts stuttering
"Sorry ladies haruhi is shy about his body and didn't want to be the only one fully clothed so it just him and i agreed to this I'm sorry my beutiful souls" i say with a fake smile the swoon ofthe girls give mea headache haruhi looks relieved and she smiles at me i nod.

"Awww sigharaka your so kind!"
"Yoai!" 'Bitch really?'
"Ship it"
"Soo cute!"

"Girls please calm down" i say smiling as fake as fake can be (thats a saying right?)
They nod and their time is off we went to honey who was getting crabs "hell fish"? Because of kyoya's men? Ight don't question rich people says the other rich person.

Some chick started going on about a centiped they went screaming she picked it up and throw it i smile.
Then their was a "fear test?" Is that what you call it? Idk
They tried
- mori with a fishing spear? She made a nice comment "mori your my senpai not my sentie" mori looked so upset.
- more

The prize was a photo of haruhi
"isnt that quite rude to do without permission kyoya" i say looking at him
"It was on her midle school web page, plus her dad gave it to me"
"Still you could of asked her"
"Their is also a drawing you drew as a prize alot of our guest want to win it"
"Tch, like hell I'm not scared of anything" i say annoyed.
'Thats a lie and you know it shouto'
'Shut up!'

-time skip to the scene everyone loves-

Haruhi and i were walking and we see girls they called us to go up then three ugly guys go up and harras them i growl haruhi and i run up there haruhi throws the bucket of fish and urchins at them i gave a little chuckle and one gos to touch one girl i growl and grab his arm and twist it till i hear it snap my eyes go dark haruhi tells the girls to run witch they do.

troubled soul entersWhere stories live. Discover now