chapter 2

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-shouto POV-
I wake up to my maid shaking me awake "morning master shouto, you have to get ready you have time to eat before your driven to school" she says sternly i nod and get up changing into my uniform she walks up fixing tie i mutter a quick thank you and we walk to kitchen and the chef sets my plate down i notice dad, gran and grandfather.

Grandpa was first to notice my presence "MORNING MY YOUNG MAN!" He yells see gran flitche dad jump " morning grand dad, gran, dad"i say tiredly dad hums before eatimg not before gran hits him i snicker at that " WORDS YOUR NOT AT WORK YET YA BRAT!"  She says to him before turnung to me with a sweet smile "good morning my dear" i let the cornor of my lip twitch making her smile i continue to eat ignoring the bickering i finish as the miyu walks up to me and goes "master shouto we must head off now or you'll be late" yearning a glear from my father "of course miyu wait at the door for me" she nods and walks away dad goes "why do you let the maid call you by your first name"
"I'm not the man of the house yet and with that I'm completely accepted she calls me that. And it's good to show your employees respect" i state and get up and walk out as miyu ooens the door and we hop into the car.

It was a quite drive till i see the female from yesterday "stop the car" i ordered the driver i get out as it started to rain " haruhi" she turns around and smiles "hello"
"It's raing come on before you get sick" she looks shocked but nods and gets into the car i hop in after her.
"master shouto is this the male from the club yesterday?" Miyu askes i nod.
"He was going to get sick as you can see it's pouring down raining, miyu ic your going to get stuff please use your coat and a umbrella as it would be hassle to both of us" i say before turning to haruhi she's busy looking out the window "haruhi, your welcome to eat the food if you wish" calmly she nods at timidly grabs a sandwich and looks at me "it's a tuna lettuce sandwich and yes it is fresh. But if you look at like that i will take that off you like a child getting a toy taken off them" i say she quickly eats it eyes going wide miyu giggles i look at her.

"miyu you eat as well i will not have ethier of you not eat breakfast while your in my care" she nods and grabs a sandwich too eating we pull into the school "miyu can you clean mr haruhis face" before the said female can argue miyu wipes her face and opens the door for us i mutter a thank you as does haruhi, when she steps out everyone gasps i roll my eyes " tch, STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT ME!" They quickly turn away i walk past haruhi runs to me stopping infront of me as the 'host club' see's as and qyickly make their way over haruhi speaks i look at her "sigharaka-senpai thank you for the ride and food, i didn't have time to eat this morning so it means alot" they look at me shocked " haruhi, i can not have anyone not eating while in my care it would bad especially for your health, next time i will not hesate to force feed you or send you to the hospital, now i must leave" i say pushing my past the club.

I enter the class room drawing a skull and vines reclaiming the area with nature not noticing the two males as i draw making it look torch being shown on the skull then drawing the night sky.
" will you oafs leave me alone" shocking them. I put my sketchbook into my bag with the penciles and pull out the subject book and a pen.
"We'll leave you alone if you join our club" says tamaki.
"How would i join a club to stop you annoy me it makes no fucking sense" i say bluntly.

"How about a test run? You come and host while you see" kyoya says

"Tch why would i waste my time with you morons, unlike some people here I'm here to learn what i need to for when i take over the company" shocking them.

"How will you deal with the females for when you have meetings with them, how will you mange that, the flirting of them with out practice" he states.
I think for a moment.
"Tch, fucking whatever. Don't keep me waiting then glasses" i seeth.
"Wouldn't imagine doing that sigharaka" kyoya says before sitting at his desk tamaki follows suit.

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