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Renjun realized that it was almost midnight and told Y/N to go wash up and sleep. Y/N bid goodbye and went upstairs, Renjun then walked to the front door before he heard his name.

" Renjun? "

Renjun stopped his tracks as he heard a deep voice called his name, he turns slowly and was now staring into the older one's eyes and gulps.

" Sit down, "

Renjun quickly sat down and was scared with what the older brother would ask.

" Do you like Y/N? "

Renjun did not know how to answer and was actually scared to answer  knowing how protective Wonwoo is especially about Y/N. He just nods and was ready to get a shouting but instead Wonwoo just smiles and giggles to himself.

" How cute, this is the first time I heard from the boy himself that likes my little sister. Many boys likes her but fear to face with me knowing how scary I am. I know they are not suitable for her as they not able to protect her. But what I saw just now really changed my mind, "

Renjun was actually surprised hearing what came out of Wonwoo's mouth and just heard whatever he said. 

" If you ever got together with my little sister, I just want you to protect her no matter what. Do you understand? "

Renjun nods and could not believe that she actually got Wonwoo, Jeon Wonwoo consent! for dating his little sister. The two talk for the next 30 minute before they both bid goodbye. Renjun thanked Wonwoo for calling a cab knowing how tired Renjun. 

Wonwoo just sighs and locks the door before he was shocked to see Y/N standing on the stairs with tears in her eyes. Wonwoo could not take it and told Y/N to come over to him and hugs her tightly.

" Y/N, I am sorry I was angry at you and I know that you wanted to help but you do know I am very particular about your safety. But I am sorry for not giving you a choice to work. If you want to work I will allow but I will be sending and fetching you, "

Y/N was quiet but nods as her tears fell down her cheeks and the two sibling hugged each other for quite a long time before Wonwoo ask her to go to sleep and rest.

School was normal for everyone and the cafe become successful thanks to guys promoting on their social media. Not only that, Y/N actually became vice-president of the Visual Art Club. Renjun and Y/N became even more closer but then she noticed at how the guys were giggling and Renjun became shy. Not only that, even the alumni were even teasing!

" Hey Hongjoong, do you know why Renjun and the rest are acting weird today, "

Hongjoong smiles innocently and told he has no clue but she knew that there is something they are hiding. Before she could ask more, she was then asked by some juniors for help. After three hours, Renjun and Y/N was now alone together as everyone had already left. 

" Hey Y/N, are you free? "

" Not sure, why? "

" I thought of bringing you to the new amusements park that just opened a few weeks ago, "

Y/N's attention was now on him and she thinks for awhile, she then decided to call Wonwoo just to make sure he won't go crazy like what happened a few months ago. 

" Hey Wonwoo, is it okay if I could go out with Renjun? "

" Sure, "

" I am sorry what? "

" I said sure, "

" Thanks-? "

" Be safe okay! Have fun okay, "

With that Wonwoo hangs up and just left Y/N speechless, she looks at Renjun who was just smiling.

" That was the first, "

Then there was an awkward silence before the the two started to laughing and they kept the things before exiting the school compound. 


They turned and saw the guys smiling and were giggling with each other. Y/N was just clueless but Renjun was looking away with his face being very very red.

They made their way to the amusement park which was not far from their school, Renjun got their tickets and they started having fun. They played and rode many rides. While walking together, Y/N stops and saw a teddy bear which was small and adorable. 

" You like it? "

Renjun asked and Y/N shyly nods and he asked her to hold his stuff and he pulls his sleeves and tried out the game and Y/N cheered him on. Eventually she got the bear and she hugs him tightly but step backs before her cheeks became slightly red.

" Aw, how adorable they are, "

They overheard and the two became shy and looks away. Walking even more, Renjun suddenly grabs Y/N's hand and drags her to a place which was beautiful and when they arrived, the water fountain show was starting and Y/N was amazed seeing how beautiful it was. After the show, the crowd became smaller and was now left with the two students. 

" Y/N there is something I want to tell you, "

Renjun looks at Y/N and she was now anxious of what was going to happen and felt the the atmosphere being tense. 

" I actually fell in love with you when I first laid my eyes on you. I have never felt love before and you change everything and I could say that you are my first ever crush, '

Y/N's was processing everything what was being said by Renjun and her cheeks became ever more red. She was then waiting for what he was saying next.

" Jeon Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? "

Renjun finally said it and Y/N was shocked and she felt like she was not functioning for the next five seconds. He was waiting patiently for her response but smiles when she responded with smiling and nods. They both lean and kissed each other.

" Time is running out, "

To Be Continued

Completing His Drawing | Renjun NCT FF (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now